Oct 23 – 28, 2016
Belgrade (Serbia)
Europe/Rome timezone
A five days hands-on Geant4 course organized by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Cometa Consortium and Vinća Institute of Nuclear Sciences will be held in Belgrade (Serbia) from October 23rd to 22th, 2019Geant4 is a software toolkit, written in C ++, for simulating tracking of particles in the matter with the Monte Carlo approach. 
The software is developed and maintained by an international collaboration of scientists belonging to different institutions. Geant4 can be used for applications in high energy physics, astrophysics, medical physics, particle astrophysics and nuclear physics.
The topics of the VIII International Geant4 School will cover both high energy/nuclear physics and medical applications. Lectures will cover all aspects of the toolkit from basic installation through advanced topics and will be interspersed with examples that build a progressively more complex application, extensible to real space and medical use. 
A dedicated short C++ course is also organised to get familiar participants with the basic elements of the Geant4 programming language. 
The school is aimed at PhD students, medical physicists and young researchers working at universities or research institutes. On the last day of the School, students will have the opportunity to test their learning achievements through a written exam. The successful outcome of the test will be reported on a written certificate for those interested, to be requested on arrival, at the registration desk.
A simple attendance certificate will also be available on request.
Registration is opened, a maximum number of 55 participants will be admitted.
The deadline for the early registration is October the 10th and the fee is 150 €. For registration after October 10th a fee of 200 € is requested.
The fee includes Welcome address cocktail, bus transport to and from the Vinća Institute of Nuclear Sciences, lunches and coffee break refreshments, Social dinner, half-day guided tour on bus in Belgrade and a back-pack with notebook, pen and badge.
Participants are recommended to bring their own laptop with (preferably) Linux or OSX operating system. Those who have a Windows operating system will be able to connect, via ssh, to a specific desktop machine. Moreover, a virtual machine with a CentOS and a ready-to-use Geant4 installation, will be provided in the next weeks, together with the installation instructions.
Visit the Facebook page of the school to get news!
Course Material
Belgrade (Serbia)
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
12-14 Mike Petrovića Street