387 / 387
- Keijiro Abe
- Luis Acosta
- Eli F. Aguilera
- Sunghoon Ahn
- Marialuisa Aliotta (University of Edinburgh)
- Carmen Altana
- Paulina Amador-Valenzuela
Jose Arias
- Author in Three-body radiative capture reactions
- Kalle Auranen
- Sarah Ayoub
- Sam Bailey
- Dimiter Balabanski
- Catalin Balan
- Mark Bannister
Bayarbadrakh Baramsai
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- Massimo Barbagallo
- Daniel Bazin
- Olga Beliuskina
- Tatyana Belyaeva
- Tatyana Belyaeva
- Daniel Bemmerer
- Peter Bender
- O.G. Benvenuto
- Carlos Bertulani
Andreas Best
- Co-author in 23Na(p,g)24Mg Cross Section Measurements
- Andreas Best
- Anissa Bey
- Jan Stefan Bihalowicz
- Jeffery Blackmon
Axel Boeltzig
- Author in 23Na(p,g)24Mg Cross Section Measurements
- Carsten Brandau
- Carlo Broggini
- Justine Browne
- Benjamin Brückner
- Raffaele Buompane
- Vaclav Burjan
- J. T. Burke
Maurizio Maria Busso
- Author in Subtilities in Stars: Indirect Evidence of Mixing Married to Indirect Nuclear Physics Methods
- Co-author in A unique mechanism to account for well known peculiarities of AGB star nucleosynthesis
- Co-author in Can the electron capture on 7Be provide a nuclear solution to the solar Li problem?
- Antonio Caciolli
- Laetitia Canete
- Giuseppe Cardella
- Michael Carpenter
Jesús Casal
- Author in Three-body radiative capture reactions
- Wilton Catford
- Soomi Cha
- Kyungyuk Cha
- Alan Chen
- Silvio Cherubini
- Svetlana Chesnevskaya
- Kelly Chipps
- Greg Christian
- Giovanni Francesco Ciani
- Jolie Cizewski
- Nicola Colonna (BA)
- Devin Connolly
Manoel Couder
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Sandrine Courtin
Aaron Couture
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- Dan Cozma
- Heather Crawford
- Laszlo Csedreki
- Catalina Oana Curceanu
- Aleksandra Cvetinović
- Mikolaj Cwiok
- Antonio D'Onofrio
- Andrey Danilov
- Barry Davids
- Tom Davinson
- Mario De Cesare
- François de Oliveira Santos
- Nicolas de Séréville
Richard J. DeBoer
- Author in Background $(\alpha,n)$ reactions at low energies: $^{10,11}$B$(\alpha,n)^{13,14}$N
- Co-author in 23Na(p,g)24Mg Cross Section Measurements
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Richard deBoer
- Raffaele Del Grande
- Eric Deleeuw
- Daniele Dell'Aquila
- Alla Demyanova
- Rosanna Depalo
- Rosanna Depalo
- Antonino Di Leva
- Alessia Francesca Di Pietro
- Rugard Dressler
Klaus Eberhardt
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Brandon Elman
- Philipp Erbacher
- Jutta Escher
- Laura Fabbietti
- Michael Febbraro
- Jenny Feige
- Juan Pablo Fernandez Garcia
- Stefan Fiebiger
- Brian Fields
Pierpaolo Figuera
- Author in A new analysis technique to measure fusion excitation functions with large beam energy dispersions
- Co-author in Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method
- Co-author in Measurements of the 20Ne+4He resonant elastic scattering for characterization of the 24Mg states at relevant excitations for carbon - carbon burning process
- Maria Fisichella
- Alba Formicola (LNGS)
- Simon Fox
- Marco Frassetto
- Guillaume Fruet
- Zsolt Fülöp
- Alexandra Gade
- Moshe Gai
- Jeremias Garcia Duarte
- Ruchi Garg
- Tobias Gassner
- Panagiotis Gastis
- Zhuang Ge
- Yordan Georgiev
- Dan Ghita
- Lucio Gialanella
Gwenaelle Gilardy
- Author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
Jan Glorius
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Jan Glorius
- Vladilen Goldberg
- Mikhail Golovkov
Joaquin Gomez Camacho
- Author in Three-body radiative capture reactions
- Sergei Goncharov
- Stephane Goriely
Joachim Gorres
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Giovanni Luca Guardo
Carlos Guerrero
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Marisa Gulino
- Alexandre Gumberidze
- Gyurky Gy"urky
- Kathrin Göbel
- Samuel Hallam
- Fairouz Hammache
- Charles Havener
- Seiya Hayakawa
- Tanja Heftrich
Alexander Heger
- Co-author in The neutrino process in supernova nucleosynthesis
- Michael Heil
- Felix Heim
- Réne Heller
- Regina Hess
- Ole Hinrichs
- Yutaka Hirai
- Raphael Hirschi
- J.E. Horvath
Kevin Howard
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Jun Hu
- Nicolas Hubbard
- Dave Hutcheon
- Ralitsa Ilieva
- Gianluca Imbriani
- Azusa Inoue
- Naohito Iwasa
- Zenon Janas
- Lukasz Janiak
- Robert Janssens
- David Jedrejcic
- David Jenkins Jenkins
Matthias Bernhard Junker
- Co-author in 23Na(p,g)24Mg Cross Section Measurements
- Beatriz Jurado
- Emily Kading
- David Kahl
- Daid Kahl
Jan Kaiser
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Taka Kajino
- Anu Kankainen
- D.P. Kendellen
- Dahee Kim
- Aram Kim
- Oliver Kirsebom
- Gabor Kiss
- Izabela Anna Kochanek
- James Kolata
- Christophor Kozhuharov
- Shigeru Kubono
- Deniz Kurtulgil
Ulli Köster
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Co-author in Determining the $^{13}{\rm C}(\alpha,n)^{16}{\rm O}$ absolute cross section trough the concurrent application of ANC and THM and astrophysical consequences for the $s$-process in AGB-LMSs.
- Co-author in Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method
- Co-author in New direct measurement of the 10B(p,alpha)7Be reaction with the activation technique
- Marco La Commara
- Alison Laird
Edward Lamere
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
Livio Lamia
- Author in THM measurements in nuclear astrophysics: recent results and future perspectives
- Co-author in Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method
- Co-author in New direct measurement of the 10B(p,alpha)7Be reaction with the activation technique
- Gregory Lane
Karlheinz Langanke
- Co-author in The neutrino process in supernova nucleosynthesis
- Christoph Langer
- Gaetano Lanzalone
Marcello Lattuada
- Author in The origins of the THM
- Co-author in A new analysis technique to measure fusion excitation functions with large beam energy dispersions
- Co-author in Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method
- Co-author in Measurements of the 20Ne+4He resonant elastic scattering for characterization of the 24Mg states at relevant excitations for carbon - carbon burning process
- Dario Lattuada
- Torben Lauritsen
- Claudia Lederer-Woods
- Eunji Lee
- Annika Lennarz
- Michael Lestinsky
- Matej Lipoglavsek
- Samuel Lipschutz
- Yuri Litvinov
- Sergey Litvinov
- Qian Liu
- David Lizcano
- Ivano Lombardo
- Brenden Longfellow
- Gavin Lotay
Florian Ludwig
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Bastian Löher
Kevin Macon
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Luciana Malferrari
- Gloria Marquinez Duran
- Ismael Martel
- Enrique Martinez-Quiroz
- Gabriel Martínez Pinedo
- Fabio Marzaioli
- David Mascali
- Grant Mathews
- Tomasz Matulewicz
- Emilio Andrea Maugeri
- Jan Mayer
- Chiara Mazzocchi
- Elaine McNeice
- Volknandt Meiko
- Roberto Menegazzo
- Anne Meyer
- Tea Mijatovic
- Matko Milin
- Daniele Montanari
- Fernando Montes
- Jun Young Moon
- Lizeth Morales Gallegos
- Juan Carlos Morales-Rivera
- Luke Morris
Shea Mosby
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- Pawel Moskal
- Viviana Mossa
- Tohru Motobayashi (RIKEN Nishina Center)
- Liliana Mou
- Annamaria Muoio
- Dosbol Nauruzbayev
- Volker Neu
- Fritz Nolden
- Aliya Nurmukhanbetova
John O'Donnell
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- Fabrizio Odorici
- Alexei Ogloblin
- Wie-Jia Ong
- Takaharu Otsuka
Steven Pain
- Co-author in An above-ground low-energy measurement of the dominant s-process neutron source: $^{13}$C($\alpha$,n)$^{16}$O
- Co-author in Background $(\alpha,n)$ reactions at low energies: $^{10,11}$B$(\alpha,n)^{13,14}$N
- Co-author in Informing Neutron Capture Nucleosynthesis on Short-Lived Nuclei with (d,p) Reactions
Sara Palmerini
- Author in A unique mechanism to account for well known peculiarities of AGB star nucleosynthesis
- Co-author in Can the electron capture on 7Be provide a nuclear solution to the solar Li problem?
- Co-author in Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method
- Giancarlo Palumbo
- Francesca Romana Pantaleo
- Concetta Parascandolo
- Suyeon Park
- L. Paulucci Machado
- Georgios Perdikakis
- Georgios Perdikakis
- Joge Pereira
- Roberto Perrino
- William Peters
- Nikos Petridis
- Marek Pfutzner
- Hillenbrand Pierre Michel
- Dimitra Pierroutsakou
- Marco Pignatari
- Kristian Piscicchia
- Rosario Pizzone
Emanuel Pollacco
- Author in Novel Nuclear Astrophysics Instruments
- Ulrich Popp
- Giuseppe Porzio
- Gregory Potel
- Lovro Prepolec
- Sebastiana Maria Puglia
- Hernan J. Quevedo (University of Texas)
- David Rapagnani
- Giuseppe Gabriele Rapisarda
- Andrew Ratkiewicz
- Matthew Reed
- Patrick Regan
Rene Reifarth
- Author in Treatment of isomers in nucleosynthesis codes
- Co-author in Constraining the rp-process by measuring $^{23}$Al(d,n)$^{24}$Si with GRETINA and LENDA at NSCL
- Co-author in Constraining the stellar 124Xe(p,g) rate using the ESR storage ring at GSI
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Valentino Rigato
- Jos Riley
Jos Riley
- Author in 19Ne Sheds Light on Novae Detection
- Vincenzo Roca
Manuela Rodriguez-Gallardo
- Author in Three-body radiative capture reactions
- Grigory Rogachev
- Detlef Rogalla
- Stefano Romano
- Leandro Romero Gasques
- Mauro Romoli
- Carlo Rossi Alvarez
- Matthias Rudigier
- Chris Ruiz
Gencho Rusev
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- A. Saastamoinen
- Shahab Sanjari
- Hendrik Schatz
Kilian Scheutwinkel
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
Stefan Schmidt
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Konrad Schmidt
- Jaclyn Schmitt
- Philipp Scholz
- Maria Dorothea Schumann
- Tommy Schönherr
- Alessandro Scordo
- Maria Letizia Sergi
- Dariusz Seweryniak
Christopher Seymour
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Sushil Sharma
- Shota Shibagaki
- Hideki Shimizu
- Noritaka Shimizu
- A.C. Shotter
- Andre Sieverding
- Haik Simon
- Diana Laura Sirghi
- Natko Skukan
Michael Skulski
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Magdalena Skurzok
- Zuzanna Slavkovska
- Karl Smith
- Michael Smith
- Rob Smith
- Neven Soic
- Mark Spieker
- Uwe Spillmann
- Claudio Spitaleri
- Artemis Spyrou
- Markus Steck
- Heinitz Stephan
- Thomas Stoehlker
- Chris Sullivan
- Rebecca Surman (University of Notre Dame)
- Toshio Suzuki
- Suzana Szilner
- Tamás Szücs
- Tamás Szücs
- Rashi Talwar
- Xiaodong Tang
- Filippo Terrasi
- Ovidiu Tesileanu
- Benedikt Thomas
- Rachel Titus
- Vedrana Tokic
- Alvaro Tolosa Delgado
- Rebecca Toomey
- Sergey Torilov
- Livius Trache (IFIN-HH Bucharest)
- Christian Trageser
Oscar Trippella
- Author in Determining the $^{13}{\rm C}(\alpha,n)^{16}{\rm O}$ absolute cross section trough the concurrent application of ANC and THM and astrophysical consequences for the $s$-process in AGB-LMSs.
- Co-author in A unique mechanism to account for well known peculiarities of AGB star nucleosynthesis
- Co-author in Can the electron capture on 7Be provide a nuclear solution to the solar Li problem?
- Co-author in Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method
- Sergiy Trotsenko
- Naofumi Tsunoda
- Yusuke Tsunoda
- Salvatore Tudisco
- Aurora Tumino
- Stefan Typel
- Hans Törnqvist
John Ullmann
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- Milivoj Uroic
- Oton Vazquez Doce
- Giuseppe Verde
- Diego Vescovi
- Phong Vi
- Mariano Vigilante
- H.R. Viturro
- Alexander Volya
- Anton Wallner
- Joe Walshe
- David Walter
Mario Weigand
- Co-author in Constraining the stellar 124Xe(p,g) rate using the ESR storage ring at GSI
- Co-author in Neutron capture cross sections of Kr
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Dirk Weisshaar
Norbert Wiehl
- Co-author in The thermal neutron capture of $^{171}$Tm
- Michael Wiescher
Michael Wiescher
- Co-author in 23Na(p,g)24Mg Cross Section Measurements
- Co-author in 7Li(a,g)11B : An update
- Ryan Wilkinson
Matthew Williams
(University of York / TRIUMF)
- Author in Commissioning of EMMA
- Matthew Williams
- Heinrich Wilsenach
- Dominik Wojciech
- Clemens Wolf
- philip woods
- Philip Woods
- Chris Wrede
- Hidetoshi Yamaguchi
- Lei Yang
- Mile Zadro
- Juan Carlos Zamora
- Marcin Zaremba
- Enrique Zas
- Remco Zegers
- Ningtao Zhang
- Shaofei Zhu
- Andreas Zilges
- Kai Zuber
- Alex Zylstra