18–23 Jun 2017
Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
Europe/Rome timezone

Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method

20 Jun 2017, 10:30
Sala conferenze (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud)

Sala conferenze

Laboratori Nazionali del Sud

Via S. Sofia 62 I-95123 Catania Italy


Dr Seiya Hayakawa (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)


% % Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8 template for abstract % % Format: LaTeX2e. % % Rename this file to name.tex, where `name' is the family name % of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract. % \documentstyle[11pt]{article} % % PAGE LAYOUT: % \textheight=9.9in \textwidth=6.3in \voffset -0.85in \hoffset -0.35in \topmargin 0.305in \oddsidemargin +0.35in \evensidemargin -0.35in %-------- aliases --------% \newcommand{\benpli}{$^{7}$Be$(n,p)^{7}$Li} \newcommand{\benaa}{$^{7}$Be$(n,\alpha)^{4}$He} \newcommand{\bedlipp}{$^{7}$Be$(d,^{7}$Li$p)^1$H} \newcommand{\bedaap}{$^{7}$Be$(d,\alpha \alpha)^1$H} \newcommand{\bedpbe}{$^{7}$Be$(d,p)^8$Be} \newcommand{\cm}{_{\rm c.m.}} \renewcommand{\refname}{} %-------- aliases --------% %\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm} % to use Times font \long\def\TITLE#1{{\Large{\bf#1}}}\long\def\AUTHORS#1{ #1\\[3mm]} \long\def\AFFILIATION#1#2{$^{#1}\,$ #2\\} \begin{document} {\small \it Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8, NPA8: 18-23 June 2017, Catania, Italy} \vspace{12pt} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} %%% %%% Title goes here. %%% \TITLE{Measurements of the $^7$Be+$n$ Big-Bang nucleosynthesis reactions at CRIB by the Trojan Horse method}\\[3mm] %%% %%% Authors and affiliations are next. The presenter should be %%% underlined as shown below. %%% \AUTHORS{ S.~Hayakawa$^{1}$, K.~Abe$^{1}$, O.~Beliuskina$^{1}$, S.~M.~Cha$^{2}$, K.~Y.~Chae$^{2}$, S.~Cherubini$^{3,4}$, P.~Figuera$^{3,4}$, Z.~Ge$^{5}$, M.~Gulino$^{3,6}$, J.~Hu$^{7}$, A.~Inoue$^{8}$, N.~Iwasa$^{9}$, D.~Kahl$^{10}$, A.~Kim$^{11}$, D.~H.~Kim$^{11}$, G.~Kiss$^{5}$, S.~Kubono$^{1,5,7}$, M.~La~Cognata$^{3}$, M.~La~Commara$^{12,13}$, L.~Lamia$^{4}$, M.~Lattuada$^{3,4}$, E.~J.~Lee$^{2}$, J.~Y.~Moon$^{14}$, S.~Palmerini$^{15,16}$, C.~Parascandolo$^{13}$, S.~Y.~Park$^{11}$, D.~Pierroutsakou$^{13}$, R.~G.~Pizzone$^{3,4}$, G.~G.~Rapisarda$^{3}$, S.~Romano$^{3,4}$, H.~Shimizu$^{1}$, C.~Spitaleri$^{3,4}$, X.~D.~Tang$^{7}$, O.~Trippella$^{15,16}$, A.~Tumino$^{3,6}$, P.~Vi$^{5}$, H.~Yamaguchi$^{1}$, L.~Yang$^{1}$, and N.~T.~Zhang$^{7}$ } %%% {\small \it \AFFILIATION{1}{Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, Wako, Japan} \AFFILIATION{2}{Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Republic of Korea} \AFFILIATION{3}{Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy} \AFFILIATION{4}{Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania, Catania, Italy} \AFFILIATION{5}{RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan} \AFFILIATION{6}{Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna, Enna, Italy} \AFFILIATION{7}{Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China} \AFFILIATION{8}{Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Japan} \AFFILIATION{9}{Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan} \AFFILIATION{10}{School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Japan} \AFFILIATION{11}{Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea} \AFFILIATION{12}{Department of Physics 'E. Pancini', University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy} \AFFILIATION{13}{Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Section of Naples, Naples, Italy} \AFFILIATION{14}{High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Wako, Japan} \AFFILIATION{15}{Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Section of Perugia, Perugia, Italy} \AFFILIATION{16}{Department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy} } %%% \vspace{12pt} % Do not modify % Enter contact e-mail address here. \centerline{Contact email: {\it hayakawa@cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp}} \vspace{18pt} % Do not modify \end{center} %%% %%% Abstract proper starts here. %%% It has been known that the prediction of the primordial $^7$Li abundance by the standard Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) model %\cite{Coc2014} is about 3 times larger than the observation, so called the cosmological $^7$Li problem. % The $^7$Li abundance strongly depends on the $^{7}$Be production. % The \benpli\ reaction is considered as the main process to destroy $^7$Be during the BBN. % Although its resonance structure has been well investigated, %\cite{Adahchour2003}, the contribution of the transition to the first excited state of $^7$Li at the BBN energies ($\sim25$~keV--1 MeV) has never been discussed. % The \benaa\ reaction might be the second important $^7$Be destroyer, but its experimental reaction rate has not been investigated until the recent studies, %\cite{Hou2015,Barbagallo2016}, which yet involve uncertainty in the BBN energy region. % We performed indirect measurements %of the \benpli\ and \benaa\ reactions of these reactions simultaneously %at once by the Trojan Horse Method (THM) at %\cite{Spitaleri2011} at Center for Nuclear Study Radioactive Ion Beam (CRIB) separator. %\cite{Yanagisawa2005}. % This study is one of the first attempts to apply the THM to RI$+n$ reactions together with a recent collaborating study led by L.~Lamia and the INFN-LNS nuclear astrophysics group. %\cite{Lamia} in collaboration. % The experimental setup consisted of two parallel-plate avalanche counters to track the $^7$Be RI beam, a CD$_2$ target, and six $\Delta E$-$E$ position-sensitive silicon telescopes to observe the \bedlipp\ and \bedaap\ reactions in inverse kinematics, which allows us to approach the \benpli\ and \benaa\ reactions in quasi-free kinematics, respectively. % We aimed to resolve both the ground and the first excited states of $^7$Li by $Q$-value spectrum of the 3-body reactions for the first time. % We observed several thousands of valid events in quasi-free kinematics. % Some results including the $Q$-value spectrum, the momentum distribution of the spectator, and the preliminary cross sections of the \benpli\ and the \benaa\ reactions will be presented. % % \begin{figure}[t!]%fig1 % \begin{center} % \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{q-value.ps} % \end{center} % \caption{$Q$-value spectra of the \bedlipp\ (left) and the \bedaap\ (right) reactions.} % \label{fig:q-value} % \vspace{-6mm} % \end{figure} % % \vspace{-24pt} % \begin{thebibliography}{9} % \setlength\itemsep{-0.2zh} % \bibitem{Adahchour2003} A. Adahchour and P. Descouvemont, % J.~Phys.~G~\textbf{29},~395~(2003); % %Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle % %Physics}{29}{2003}{395}. % %}{}{2016}{arXiv:1606.09420 [nucl-ex]}. % \bibitem{Hou2015}S. Q. Hou \textit{et al.}, % Phys. Rev. C \textbf{91}, 055802 (2015); % \bibitem{Barbagallo2016}M. Barbagallo \textit{et al.}, % Phys.~Rev.~Lett.~\textbf{117},~152701~(2016); % \bibitem{Spitaleri2011} % % C. Spitaleri, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov, % % L. D. Blokhintsev, M. La Cognata, R. G. Pizzone and A. Tumino} % C. Spitaleri \textit{et al.}, % %Physics of Atomic Nuclei}{74}{2011}{1725}. % Phys. Atom. Nucl. \textbf{74}, 1725 (2011); % \bibitem{Yanagisawa2005} % Y.~Yanagisawa~\textit{et~al.},~Nucl.~Instrum.~and~Meth.~A~\textbf{539},~74~(2005); % % \BY{Y. Yanagisawa, S. Kubono, T. Teranishi, % % K. Ue, S. Michimasa, M. Notani, J. He, Y. Ohshiro, S. Shimoura, % % S. Watanabe, N. Yamazaki, H. Iwasaki, S. Kato, T. Kishida, % % T. Morikawa \atque Y. Mizoi} % % \IN{Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section % % A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}{539}{2005}{74}. % % \bibitem{Gulino2010} % % M. Gulino \textit{et al.}, % % J. Phys. G \textbf{37}, 125105 (2010). % % \bibitem{Gulino2013} % % M. Gulino \textit{et al.}, % % Phys. Rev. C \textbf{87}, 012801 (2013). % \bibitem{Lamia} % L. Lamia \textit{et al.}: % Proc. 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the % Cosmos, JPS Conf. Proc., in publication. % % \bibitem{Cherubini2015} % % S. Cherubini \textit{et al.}, % % Phys. Rev. C \textbf{92}, 015805 (2015). % % \bibitem{Kumagai2001} % % Kumagai \textit{et al.}, % % Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. A \textbf{470}, 562 (2001). % % \bibitem{Angulo2005} % % % C. Angulo, E. Casarejos, M. Couder, P. Demaret, P. Leleux, F. Vanderbist, A. Coc, % % % J. Kiener, V. Tatischeff, T. Davinson, S. Murphy, N.L. Achouri, % % % N.A. Orr, D. Cortina-Gil,P. Figuera, B.R. Fulton, I. Mukha, and E. Vangioni} % % C. 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Primary author

Dr Seiya Hayakawa (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)


Dr Aram Kim (Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University) Dr Aurora Tumino (LNS) Ms Azusa Inoue (RCNP, Osaka University) Claudio Spitaleri (LNS) Concetta Parascandolo (NA) Ms Dahee Kim (Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University) Dr David Kahl (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh) Dimitra Pierroutsakou (NA) Ms Eunji Lee (Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University) Gabor Kiss (RIKEN Nishina Center) Giuseppe Gabriele Rapisarda (LNS) Mr Hideki Shimizu (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo) Dr Hidetoshi Yamaguchi (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Dr Jun Hu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Dr Jun Young Moon (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Mr Keijiro Abe (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo) Prof. Kyungyuk Cha (Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University) Dr Lei Yang (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo) Livio Lamia (LNS) MARCO SALVATORE La Cognata (LNS) Marcello Lattuada (LNS) Marco La Commara (NA) Marisa Gulino (LNS) Prof. Naohito Iwasa (Department of Physics, Tohoku University) Dr Ningtao Zhang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Dr Olga Beliuskina (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo) Oscar Trippella (PG) Dr Phong Vi (RIKEN Nishina Center) Pierpaolo Figuera (LNS) Rosario Pizzone (LNS) Sara Palmerini (PG) Prof. Shigeru Kubono (RIKEN Nishina Center) Silvio Cherubini (LNS) Ms Soomi Cha (Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University) Stefano Romano (LNS) Ms Suyeon Park (Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University) Prof. Xiaodong Tang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Mr Zhuang Ge (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Presentation materials