Dear colleague,
the 8th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics International conference will be held from June 18th through June 23rd, 2017 in Catania, Italy.
The INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud will be the hosts of NPA8. The details about the conference venue, accommodation, etc. will be given in the forthcoming circulars.
NPA8 will maintain the general spirit and intention of this conference series. The scientific subjects to be discussed at the Conference will cover a wide spectrum of topics. The Conference will consist of plenary sessions only, including about 10 invited talks and 50 selected oral contributions. The remaining contributions will be presented and discussed in the poster sessions. The invited talks will be determined following IAC recommendations, and oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts.
The Scientific Program will be structured around the following topics:
• Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the early universe
• Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
• Indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics
• Neutrinos in astrophysics
• Neutron stars and the equation of state of dense matter
• Nuclear physics with lasers
• Stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis
• Tools, techniques and facilities
• Underground nuclear astrophysics
International Advisory Committee
Faical Azaiez, Maurizio Busso, Cristina Chiappini, Alain Coc, François de Oliveira, Pierre Descouvemont, Jordi José, Reiner Krücken, Karlheinz Langanke*, Francesca Matteucci, Tohru Motobayashi, Krzysztof Rusek, Hendrik Schatz, Artemisia Spyrou, Phil Woods, Nicolae-Victor Zamfir
International Program Committee
Marialuisa Aliotta, Norbert Christlieb, Iris Dillmann, Zsolt Fülöp, Brian Fulton, Daniel Galaviz, Amanda Karakas, Marc Labiche, Alison Laird, Douglas MacGregor, Claudio Spitaleri, Friedrich K. Thielemann*, Robert E. Tribble, Stefan Typel, Wieping Liu*, Michael Wiescher
*To be confirmed
Local organizing committee
Claudio Spitaleri (Chair), Marcello Lattuada (Co-Chair), Marco La Cognata (Scientific Secretary), Alessia Di Pietro, Sara Palmerini, Gianluca Pizzone, Stefano Romano, Aurora Tumino
Conference Language:
The conference language is English. All presentations including discussions and submitted materials must be in English.
Electronic projectors with computers capable of reading CDs and memory devices will be available (Power Point or Adobe Acrobat recommended). If you have special requirements, please inform us in the Registration Form.
Online registration will open to all interested participants on 17 October 2016. For online registration please follow the link at:
Conference fees
Regular: 480 €
EPS and National Physical Societies members: 380 €
Students: 280 €
Pre-deadline registration fees
Regular: 430 €
EPS and National Physical Societies members: 330 €
Students: 230 €
Limited funds are available to reduce the registration fees for
some participants from abroad especially young physicists who otherwise could not
participate in the conference. To receive a registration fee subsidy, please fill out the
application that will be available in the registration form.
Social Activities and Excursion
A Welcome Reception will be held in the evening of June 18,
2017 and the Conference Banquet on June 22, 2017
An excursion will be arranged on June 21, 2017 – To be determined.
Conference Webpage:
Conference Office
All correspondence and requests for further information concerning the conference should be sent to:
Dr. M. La Cognata
Scientific Secretary, NPA8
Via S. Sofia 62,
95123 Catania,