18–23 Jun 2017
Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
Europe/Rome timezone

Felsenkeller 5 MV underground accelerator

20 Jun 2017, 15:50
Aula magna (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia)

Aula magna

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia


Dr Daniel Bemmerer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)


% % Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8 template for abstract % % Format: LaTeX2e. % % Rename this file to name.tex, where `name' is the family name % of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract. % \documentstyle[11pt]{article} % % PAGE LAYOUT: % \textheight=9.9in \textwidth=6.3in \voffset -0.85in \hoffset -0.35in \topmargin 0.305in \oddsidemargin +0.35in \evensidemargin -0.35in %\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm} % to use Times font \long\def\TITLE#1{{\Large{\bf#1}}}\long\def\AUTHORS#1{ #1\\[3mm]} \long\def\AFFILIATION#1#2{$^{#1}\,$ #2\\} \begin{document} {\small \it Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8, NPA8: 18-23 June 2017, Catania, Italy} \vspace{12pt} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} %%% %%% Title goes here. %%% \TITLE{Felsenkeller 5\,MV underground accelerator}\\[3mm] %%% %%% Authors and affiliations are next. The presenter should be %%% underlined as shown below. %%% \AUTHORS{ \underline{D. Bemmerer}$^1$, F. Cavanna$^1$, T.E. Cowan$^{1,2}$, M. Grieger $^{1,2}$, T. Hensel $^{1,2}$, A.R. Junghans$^1$, F. Ludwig $^{1,2}$, S. E. M\"uller$^1$, B. Rimarzig$^1$, S. Reinicke$^{1,2}$, S. Schulz$^{1,2}$, R. Schwengner$^1$, K. St\"ockel$^2$, T. Sz\"ucs$^{1,3}$, M.P. Tak\'acs$^{1,2}$, A. Wagner$^1$, L. Wagner$^{1,2}$, and K. Zuber$^2$ } %%% {\small \it \AFFILIATION{1}{Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), 01328 Dresden, Germany} \AFFILIATION{2}{Technische Universit\"at Dresden (TU Dresden), 01062 Dresden, Germany} \AFFILIATION{3}{MTA ATOMKI, 4026 Debrecen, Hungary} } %%% \vspace{12pt} % Do not modify % Enter contact e-mail address here. \centerline{Contact email: {\it d.bemmerer@hzdr.de}} \vspace{18pt} % Do not modify \end{center} %%% %%% Abstract proper starts here. %%% Low-background experiments with stable ion beams are an important tool for putting the model of stellar hydrogen, helium, and carbon burning on a solid experimental foundation. The pioneering work in this regard has been done by the LUNA collaboration at Gran Sasso, using a 0.4 MV accelerator. In the present contribution, the status of the project for a higher-energy underground accelerator is reviewed. Results from $\gamma$-ray [1], neutron, and muon background measurements in the Felsenkeller underground site in Dresden, Germany, will be shown. Two tunnels of the Felsenkeller site are currently being refurbished for the installation of a 5\,MV high-current Pelletron accelerator. Construction work is progressing on schedule and expected to complete in August 2017. The accelerator will provide intense, 50\,$\mu$A, beams of $^1$H$^+$, $^4$He$^+$, and $^{12}$C$^+$ ions, enabling research on astrophysically relevant nuclear reactions with unprecedented sensitivity. \bigskip {\small \noindent [1] T. Sz\"ucs et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 51, 33 (2015). \noindent [2] http://www.hzdr.de/felsenkeller } %%% %%% End of abstract. %%% \end{document}

Primary author

Dr Daniel Bemmerer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)

Presentation materials