Brian Fields
(Departments of Astronomy and of Physics, University of Illinois)
19/06/2017, 09:10
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
Invited talk
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Anton Wallner
(The Australian National University)
19/06/2017, 09:40
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
Invited talk
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Enrique Zas
(IGFAE - University of Santiago)
19/06/2017, 10:10
The overall picture of the highest energy particles produced in the Universe
is changing because of measurements made with the Pierre Auger Observatory.
Composition studies point towards an unexpected mixed composition of
intermediate mass nuclei, more isotropic than anticipated, which is
reshaping the future of the field and underlining the priority to understand
composition at the...
Jenny Feige
(Berlin Institute of Technology)
19/06/2017, 10:40
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Gabriel Martínez Pinedo
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
19/06/2017, 11:40
Invited talk
Half of the elements heavier than iron are produced by the r process under extreme conditions. To identify its site remains one of the major challenges in nuclear astrophysics. Advances in the description of neutrino-matter interactions and its implementation in core-collapse super- nova modelling have lead to the conclusion that supernova explosions only contribute to the production of...
Taka Kajino
(NAOJ, The University of Tokyo)
19/06/2017, 12:10
Taka Kajino, Shota Shibagaki, Yutaka Hirai, Grant J. Mathews
The origin of heavy elements heavier than iron like Au and U are still unknown although sixty years have already passed since the benchmark paper B2FH on the origin of elements in the Universe was published in 1957. GW emitters of both binary neutron-star mergers (NSMs) and core-collapse supernovae (SNe) are viable candidates for...
Andre Sieverding
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
19/06/2017, 12:40
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Toshio Suzuki
(Nihon University)
19/06/2017, 13:00
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Stephane Goriely
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
19/06/2017, 14:30
Invited talk
The r-process nucleosynthesis and related nuclear challenges
S. Goriely
Institut d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Contact email:
The rapid neutron-capture process, or r-process, is known to be of fundamental importance for explaining the origin of approximately half of the A > 60 stable nuclei observed in nature. In...
Georgios Perdikakis
(Central Michigan University)
19/06/2017, 15:20
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Clemens Wolf
(Goethe-University Frankfurt)
19/06/2017, 15:40
The $^{23}$Al(p,$\gamma$)$^{24}$Si stellar reaction rate has a significant impact of the light-curve emitted in X-ray bursts. Theoretical calculation shows that the reaction rate is mainly determined by the properties of direct capture as well as low-lying 2$^{+}$ states and a possible 4$^{+}$ state in $^{24}$Si. Currently, there is little experimental information on the properties of these...
Alba Formicola
19/06/2017, 16:30
Invited talk
Accurate knowledge of thermonuclear reaction rates is important in understanding energy generation, neutrino luminosity and nucleosynthesis in stellar interiors.
Natural and Cosmic-ray-induced background can seriously limit the determination of reaction cross-sections at relevant energies for astrophysics. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio special care in experimental setups...
Matej Lipoglavsek
(Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
19/06/2017, 17:00
Electron screening enhances nuclear reaction cross sections at low beam energies. This happens in many astrophysical scenarios, e.g. stellar burning or supernova explosions. Unfortunately, the process is still poorly understood. All currently used calculations are based on the very simple assumption that the electrons distributed evenly on a shell decrease the repulsive potential inside the...
Annika Lennarz
19/06/2017, 17:30
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Felix Heim
(Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne)
19/06/2017, 17:50
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
The $\gamma$ process is assumed to play an important role in the nucleosynthesis of the majority of the
p nuclei. Since the network of the $\gamma$ process includes so many different reactions and - mainly
unstable - nuclei, cross-section values are predominantly calculated in the scope of the Hauser-
Feshbach statistical model. The values heavily depend on the nuclear physics...
Francesca Romana Pantaleo
(Universita' degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica ''M. Merlin'', Bari, IT, INFN Bari,Bari, IT)
19/06/2017, 18:10
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Emilio Andrea Maugeri
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
19/06/2017, 18:50
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8 template for abstract
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Moshe Gai
(University of Connecticut)
20/06/2017, 08:30
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Nicola Colonna
20/06/2017, 09:00
Invited talk
Neutron-induced cross sections are a key nuclear physics input for the comprehension of stellar nucleosynthesis of heavy elements, as well as for modeling of light element production in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. In stars, neutron capture reactions are responsible for the production of the majority of elements heavier than Fe, with two processes contributing more or less equally to the overall...
Jolie Cizewski
(Rutgers University)
20/06/2017, 09:30
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Massimo Barbagallo
(INFN sezione di Bari)
20/06/2017, 09:50
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Tanja Heftrich
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
20/06/2017, 10:10
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Seiya Hayakawa
(Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)
20/06/2017, 10:30
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Chris Wrede
(Michigan State University)
20/06/2017, 11:20
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
Invited talk
Nucleosynthesis and energy generation in classical novae and type I x-ray bursts are driven by nuclear reactions. Many of the thermonuclear rates have substantial uncertainties that preclude accurate comparisons between astronomical observations and astrophysical models. A program of beta decay measurements utilizing intense sources of rare isotopes adjacent to the proton drip line has been...
Anu Kankainen
(University of Jyväskylä)
20/06/2017, 11:50
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
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Ryan Wilkinson
(University of Surrey)
20/06/2017, 12:10
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
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% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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Nicolas de Séréville
(IPN Orsay)
20/06/2017, 12:30
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
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% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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Alvaro Tolosa Delgado
(IFIC (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular))
20/06/2017, 12:50
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Daid Kahl
(University of Edinburgh)
20/06/2017, 13:10
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Sandrine Courtin
(IPHC STrasbourg)
20/06/2017, 14:30
Invited talk
Fusion reactions play an essential role in understanding the energy production, the nucleosyn- thesis of chemical elements and the evolution of massive stars. Thus, the direct measurement of key fusion reactions at thermonuclear energies is of very high interest. The carbon burning in stars is essentially driven by the 12C+12C fusion reaction. This reaction is known to show prominent...
Richard deBoer
(University of Notre Dame)
20/06/2017, 15:00
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Michael Febbraro
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
20/06/2017, 15:30
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Daniel Bemmerer
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
20/06/2017, 15:50
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Nicolas Hubbard
(University of York and Aarhus University)
20/06/2017, 16:10
23 Na(α,p) 26 Mg reaction has been identified as having a significant impact on the nucleo-
synthesis of elements, such as
23 Na [1] and 26 Al [2], in massive stars, and of light isotopes in
type-Ia supernovae [3]. We will present new experimental results, as well as a combined reaction
rate based on all available data, and an assessment of its astrophysical impact on massive...
Hidetoshi Yamaguchi
(Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo)
20/06/2017, 16:30
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Rebecca Surman
(University of Notre Dame)
20/06/2017, 17:10
Invited talk
The key role played by nuclear masses in rapid neutron capture, or r-process, nucleosynthesis has long been recognized. Masses set the reaction flow path for an r-process in equilibrium and influence the neutron capture rates, beta decay rates, and fission properties that determine the final abundances. Here we describe modern efforts to quantify the uncertainties in r-process abundance...
Gabor Kiss
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
20/06/2017, 17:40
About 50% of the isotopes heavier than iron are synthesized in the so-called astrophysical r-process [1]. During the explosion of a type II supernovae or a Neutron star merger exotic isotopes, closed to the drip line are formed via rapid neutron capture reactions [2]. These, very neutron-rich nuclei emit neutrons after the beta-decay when the decay Q-value is larger than the neutron separation...
Artemis Spyrou
20/06/2017, 18:10
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Gwenaelle Gilardy
(University of Notre Dame)
20/06/2017, 19:30
At the end of its life, a massive star collapses into a neutron star. The neutrino flux released during the collapse is so significant that the probability of a neutrino interacting with a nucleus is enhanced enough to have an influence on element nucleosynthesis [1]. The origins of light elements, specifically $^{11}B$, is not fully understood. The $\nu$-process has been proposed as a...
Rosanna Depalo
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Tamás Szücs
(MTA Atomki)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Tatyana Belyaeva
(Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Juan Carlos Morales-Rivera
(Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México), Prof.
Tatyana Belyaeva
(Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Svetlana Chesnevskaya
20/06/2017, 19:30
S. Chesnevskaya1, C.Matei1, D.L. Balabanski1, D.M. Filipescu1, D.G. Ghita1, A. Rotaru1, A. State1, Y. Xu1
G.L. Guardo2, M. La Cognata2, D. Lattuada2, C. Spitaleri2
1. ELI-NP/ IFIN-HH, 30 Reactorului Street, 077125 Magurele, Romania
2. INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Via Santa Sofia 62, 95123 Catania, Italy
Position-sensitive silicon strip detectors represent one of the best...
Matthew Williams
(University of York / TRIUMF)
20/06/2017, 19:30
The electromagnetic mass analyser (EMMA) is a new vacuum-mode recoil mass spectrometer located at the ISAC-II facility at TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada. Assembly of the spectrometer was completed in 2016, and it received first beam in December 2016. The first in-beam test consisted of an 80 MeV 36Ar beam impinged on a 4.46 μm 197Au foil. The initial test proved to be very successful, with the...
Tatyana Belyaeva
(Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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\TITLE{Critial interaction and strong-absorption distances for the $^{7}$Li $+$ $^{58}$Ni system }\\[3mm]
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\AUTHORS{P. Amador-Valenzuela$^{1}$, E.F. Aguilera$^1$, E. Martinez-Quiroz$^1$, D. Lizcano$^1$, J.C....
Oscar Trippella
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Giovanni Francesco Ciani
20/06/2017, 19:30
Heaviest nuclei (A > 58) are synthesized by sequential neutron capture reactions. There are two main processes, depending on their time scale compared with the beta decay lifetime: these are the so called slow (s) and rapid (r) processes. Both produce about half of the stable isotopes beyond iron in the Universe [1].
Focusing on the s process, these take place in low mass (1 − 3M⊙) Asymptotic...
J.E. Horvath
(IAG-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Laetitia Canete
(University of Jyväskylä)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Laszlo Csedreki
20/06/2017, 19:30
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8, NPA8: 18-23 June 2017, Catania, Italy
Introduction of the new LUNA experimental setup for high precision measurement of 13C(α,n)16O reaction for astrophysical purposes
L. Csedreki1, G. F. Ciani2, I. Kochanek1
for the LUNA collaboration
1 INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso LNGS, Assergi, Italy
2 Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila
Aleksandra Cvetinović
(INFN-LNS Catania)
20/06/2017, 19:30
For nucleosynthesis calculations precise reaction rates should be known at energies close to the Gamow peak. Accurate measurements of nuclear reactions performed at these energies [1-5] shows an unexpected enhancement of the cross section at the lowest measurable energies that is attributed to the presence of atomic electrons in the target. In order to observe the bare nuclear cross section,...
Carmen Altana
20/06/2017, 19:30
The future availability of high-intensity laser facilities capable of delivering tens of Petawatts of power (e.g. ELI-NP) into small volumes of matter at high repetition rates will give the unique opportunity to investigate nuclear reactions and fundamental interactions under the extreme plasma conditions realized by laser-matter interactions.
Nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest are...
Stefan Fiebiger
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Magdalena Skurzok
(Jagiellonian University)
20/06/2017, 19:30
Search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States in AMADEUS experiment
M. Skurzok1,2, C. Curceanu2, L. Fabbietti3,4, R. del Grande2,5, P. Moskal1, K. Piscicchia2,6,
A. Scordo2, D. L. Sirghi2, Oton Vazquez Doce3,4
1 Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
2 INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, 00044 Frascati, Italy
3 Excellence Cluster Origin and...
Aliya Nurmukhanbetova
(National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Astana, 010000,Kazakhstan), Mr
Dosbol Nauruzbayev
(National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Astana, 010000,Kazakhstan)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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Sandrine Courtin
(IPHC Strasbourg)
20/06/2017, 19:30
The STELLA (STELlar LAboratory) experimental station for the measurement of sub-barrier light heavy ion fusion cross sections has been commissioned at the Androm\`{e}de accelerator at IPN, Orsay. These measurements can yield both insight into nuclear cluster effects~[1] and the $S$-factors at energies of astrophysical interest. In particular, $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C fusion was identified as a key...
Heinrich Wilsenach
(TU-Dresden, IKTP)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Ivano Lombardo
(Università di Napoli Federico II and INFN - Sez. Napoli)
20/06/2017, 19:30
The study of $^{13}$C structure allows to understand the effects of clusterization in light non-self-conjugated nuclei. The possible presence of rotational bands built on molecular states has been suggested in several papers [1,2]. Furthermore, in recent times, some theoretical papers [3,4] predicted the possible existence of states corresponding to the coupling of a valence neutrons to the...
Rene Reifarth
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
20/06/2017, 19:30
Isomers are metastable states of atomic nuclei. Their half-lifes are about 100 to 1000 times longer than those of the excited nuclear states with prompt g-emissions. If the conditions in an application change on the time scale of isomers' half lifes, their abundances have to be tracked explicitly.
The high temperatures under stellar conditions enable the population of higher-lying states...
Emily Kading
(Graduate Student)
20/06/2017, 19:30
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Dimiter Balabanski
21/06/2017, 08:30
Invited talk
The mission of the Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) research infrastruc- ture are nuclear physics studies with high-power lasers and high-brilliance quasi-monochromatic gamma beams [1,2]. The laboratory will become operational as an user facility in 2019. Two high-power lasers will provide laser pulses on target, each of them having three outputs, e.g....
Chiara Mazzocchi
(University of Warsaw)
21/06/2017, 09:00
A new methodology to measure cross-sections for thermonuclear reactions that power the stars is being developed at the University of Warsaw. These reactions take place at different energies according to the respective stellar environment. Such energies are well below the Coulomb barrier and the respective cross-sections are incredibly small, often below the experimental reach. There is a lack...
Hernan J. Quevedo
(University of Texas)
21/06/2017, 09:30
Invited talk
Nuclear fusion from the interaction of very high intensity laser pulses and nm-scale deuterium clusters has been studied since 1999 [1]. These van der Waals bonded clusters can be easily produced in the expansion of a gas jet into vacuum. They absorb the laser pulse energy very efficiently (approaching 100% under certain conditions) and the process by which the ions attain high kinetic...
Measurements Of Stellar And Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis Reactions Using Inertially-Confined Plasmas
Alex Zylstra
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
21/06/2017, 10:00
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Giovanni Luca Guardo
21/06/2017, 10:20
The Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility, under construction in
Magurele near Bucharest in Romania, will provide high-intensity and high-resolution gamma
ray beams that can be used to address hotly debated problems in nuclear astrophysics, such as
the accurate measurements of the cross sections of the 24Mg(
,)20Ne reaction, that is funda-
mental to determine the...
Dario Lattuada
21/06/2017, 10:40
Monte Carlo simulation of photonuclear reactions of astrophysical interest with intense gamma sources
Jeffery Blackmon
(Louisiana State University)
21/06/2017, 11:20
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
Invited talk
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% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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Oliver Kirsebom
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University)
21/06/2017, 11:50
While the C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 reaction plays a central role in nuclear astrophysics, the cross section is too small at the energies relevant to stellar helium burning to be directly measured in the laboratory. The beta-delayed alpha spectrum of N-16 can be used to constrain the astrophysical S-factor, but with this approach the S-factor becomes strongly correlated with the assumed...
François de Oliveira Santos
21/06/2017, 12:10
The existence of the Hoyle state is crucial for the nucleosynthesis of the chemical elements heavier than lithium. This state has been the subject of many theoretical studies and philosophical discussions (anthropic principle). The existence of this remarkable state could be explained by the Ikeda conjecture [1,2]. The latter can be formulated simply: The coupling to a nearby cluster decay...
Ralitsa Ilieva
(University of Surrey)
21/06/2017, 12:30
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
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% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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Ruchi Garg
(University of York)
21/06/2017, 12:50
We present the first clear observation of the 2+ rotational excitation of the Hoyle state in a beta decay experiment. Coincident detection of β-3α particles from the cascade 12N(β)12C(α1)8Be(α2)α3 have been used to obtain β-α1 angular correlation, which then has been used to determine the strength of the 2+ state relative to that of the 0+ in the 9-12 MeV energy region. The experiment has been...
Alison Laird
(University of York)
21/06/2017, 13:10
While core collapse supernovae have long captured the attention of
physicists and astronomers, surprisingly little is currently known about
the nature of the explosion mechanism. This is due to the complexity of
the explosion, the large computational requirements for even 2D
simulations, and the lack of precise nuclear physics inputs to these
models. One of the few methods by which this...
22/06/2017, 08:30
Invited talk
Raphael Hirschi
(Keele University)
22/06/2017, 09:00
After introducing the slow neutron capture process in massive stars, the so-called weak s process, I will present recent theoretical predictions for the weak s process covering a wide range of initial masses and metallicities. I will in particular discuss the strong effects of rotation at low metallicities and how they boost the weak s process. I will then compare the predictions to...
Marcello Lattuada
22/06/2017, 10:30
Invited talk
Silvio Cherubini
22/06/2017, 10:45
Invited talk
Marialuisa Aliotta
(University of Edinburgh)
22/06/2017, 11:00
Invited talk
At the time I began my scientific career as a PhD student under Prof Claudio Spitaleri’s supervision, the Trojan Horse Method was still in its infancy.
Like with any new-born idea, it took time and effort and passion to plant the early seeds that would eventually develop into a now well-established method in nuclear astrophysics research. In this talk I will offer my own recollection of...
Stefan Typel
(IKP, Technische Universität Darmstadt)
22/06/2017, 11:15
Special session on Claudio Spitaleri achievements
Invited talk
Breakup reactions were proposed in 1986 by Gerhard Baur as an indirect method to investigate
low-energy charged-particle reactions relevant for nuclear astrophysics [1].
This so-called 'Trojan-Horse method' (THM) allows to extract cross sections of two-particle
reactions from suitable transfer reactions with three particles in the final state using
quasifree scattering conditions. A...
Carlos Bertulani
(Texas A&M University-Commerce)
22/06/2017, 11:30
Special session on Claudio Spitaleri achievements
EPS Invited Speaker
Accurate measurements of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest within, or close to, the Gamow peak show evidence of an unexpected effect attributed to the presence of atomic electrons in the target. The experiments need to include an effective “screening” potential to explain the enhancement of the cross sections at the lowest measurable energies. Despite various theoretical studies...
Tohru Motobayashi
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
22/06/2017, 11:45
Invited talk
I start with my experience for the quasi-free process, which is on the 1H(d,2He)n reaction, where 2He denotes a system of two protons in their unbound singlet S state. The data taken at Saturne in late 1980s were analyzed with plane-wave impulse approximation. The tensor analyzing powers and even the absolute magnitudes of the differential cross sections have been successfully explained. That...
Maurizio Busso
22/06/2017, 12:00
Invited talk
Livius Trache
(IFIN-HH Bucharest)
22/06/2017, 12:15
Invited talk
In the house of Trojan Horse Method (THM), I will say a few words about "other" indirect methods we use in Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics. In particular those using Rare Ion Beams that can be used to evaluate radiative proton capture reactions. I addition a few words about work done with the Professore we celebrate today. With a proposal, and some results with TECSA, for a simple method to...
Vladilen Goldberg
(Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA)
22/06/2017, 12:45
Invited talk
Alpha-cluster structure populated in the resonance reactions induced by rare beams
V.Z. Goldberg, G.V. Rogachev
Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
The alpha clusterization manifests itself in remarkable and exotic structures in atomic nuclei. In particular, quasi rotational bands of levels with alternative parities and large alpha cluster reduced...
Livio Lamia
22/06/2017, 14:30
Invited talk
Experimental nuclear astrophysics aims at measuring astrophysically relevant burning reaction cross sections at the corresponding Gamow energy. However, in spite of the improvements for measuring low-energy nuclear reaction cross sections, the Gamow energy region peak often remains far to be fully explored mainly in the case of charged-particles induced reactions. In such cases, both Coulomb...
22/06/2017, 15:00
It is well known the importance in Astrophysics of the reactions regarding 26Al. This radioisotope
is presented for instance, in the stars where there is H, C and Ne fusion at high temperatures;
as well it can be found inside meteorites where it can be deposited or to be created in situ [1].
Considering the importance of the 26Al nuclei, in this work are presented the rst results...
György Gyürky
(Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki)
22/06/2017, 15:30
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Antti Saastamoinen
(Cyclotron Insitute, Texas A&M University)
22/06/2017, 15:50
The thermonuclear runaway in classical novae proceeds through radiative proton capture re- actions (p,γ) involving proton rich sd-shell nuclei close to the dripline. Many of the capture reactions at typical peak nova temperatures of 0.2-0.4 GK are dominated by resonant capture. Therefore, the key parameters in understanding the astrophysical reaction rates are the energies, decay widths and...
Faïrouz Hammache
22/06/2017, 16:50
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Neven Soic
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb Croatia)
22/06/2017, 17:20
Detailed knowledge on complex spectroscopy of the $^{24}$Mg nucleus at excitation energies between 14 and 19 MeV has large impact on understanding of clustering in nuclei and on carbon - carbon burning, the $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C fusion, in massive stars. The $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C and $^{16}$O+$^{8}$Be cluster structures (threshold energies are 13.9 and 14.1 MeV respectively) become active in this...
Sebastiana Maria Puglia
22/06/2017, 17:50
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Jos Riley
(University of York)
22/06/2017, 18:10
Classical novae are the most common astrophysical thermonuclear explosion [1] and are thought to contribute noticeably to the galactic chemical evolution [2,3]. As one of the few environments that can be modeled primarily from experimental nuclear data, observations would provide a direct test for current hydrodynamic codes. 18F produced in the runaway is the strongest 𝛾-ray source [4]...
Vaclav Burjan
(Nuclear Physics Institute, CAS)
22/06/2017, 18:30
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8, NPA8: 18-23 June 2017, Catania, Italy
The direct 18O(p; °)19F capture and the ANC method.
V. Burjan1, Z. Hons1, V. Kroha1, J. Mr¶azek1, ·S. Pisko·r1, A. M. Mukhamedzhanov2,
L. Trache2, R. E. Tribble2, M. La Cognata3, L. Lamia3, G. R. Pizzone3, S. Romano3,
C. Spitaleri3 and A. Tumino3;4
1 Nuclear Physics Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences, 250 68...
Konrad Schmidt
(National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, East Lansing, MI, USA)
23/06/2017, 09:00
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Christoph Langer
(University of Frankfurt a. M.)
23/06/2017, 09:20
Charged-particle reactions, like (p, g) or (a, g), play a crucial role in many different astrophysical scenarios, such as the p process.
Their direct measurement is key for nucleosynthesis model predictions, but is typically hampered by very low cross sections and the lack
of intense radioactive ion beams.
In this contribution, a novel, powerful method will be presented, which aims at...
Giuseppe Cardella
23/06/2017, 09:40
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Pierpaolo Figuera
23/06/2017, 10:00
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Daniele Dell'Aquila
(Univ. Napoli Federico II and INFN - Napoli, Italy)
23/06/2017, 11:00
Given as .tex file
Rosanna Depalo
(Università degli Studi di Padova and INFN Padova)
23/06/2017, 11:20
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Philipp Scholz
(Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany)
23/06/2017, 11:40
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Concetta Parascandolo
23/06/2017, 12:00
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Viviana Mossa
(Università degli Studi di Bari and INFN, sezione di Bari)
23/06/2017, 12:20
Study of the 2H(p,γ)3He reaction in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis energy range at LUNA
V. Mossa for the LUNA collaboration
Università degli Studi di Bari and INFN, sezione di Bari
Contact email:
The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) describes the production of light nuclides in the first minutes of cosmic time. It started with deuterium accumulation when the...
Tamás Szücs
(MTA Atomki)
23/06/2017, 12:40
% Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8 template for abstract
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% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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