Single Event Upsets Analysis of CMOS SRAM cell for Space Applications

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Aula Villi (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell'INFN)

Aula Villi

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell'INFN



Mr Muhammad Sajid (CIIT Islamabad)Prof. Nikolay Chechenin (SINP MSU Russia)Prof. Torres Frank (DEE UFMG Brazil)


This paper concentrates on SRAM cell response in LEO radiation environment. The SEU rates of 65nm, 45nm and 32nm bulk CMOS technology based Static RAM cells were evaluated. The impact of technology scaling on SEU rates, LET threshold and cross-section per bit/device were compared with SOI CMOS SRAM cells. Dose-Depth analysis has been performed for various orbital inclinations and shield thicknesses.To characterize the robustness of scaled SRAM cells, state of the art visual TCAD/Genius, GSEAT/VisualParticle toolkit, Microwind3.1 have been utilized whereas LEO radiation environment was determined with OMERE-Trad software.

Primary authors

Mr Muhammad Sajid (CIIT Islamabad) Prof. Torres Frank (DEE UFMG Brazil)


Dr Agha Shahrukh (CIIT Islamabad) Prof. Khan Ehsan Ullah (CESET Islamabad) Prof. Nikolay Chechenin (SINP MSU Russia)

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