Sep 13 – 19, 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Phase space moment equation model of highly relativisitic electron beams in plasma wakefield accelerators

Sep 17, 2015, 4:00 PM
SB2 Sala Bonaparte 2 (Hotel Hermitage)

SB2 Sala Bonaparte 2

Hotel Hermitage

talk WG6 - Theory and simulations WG6 - Theory and simulations


Prof. Robert Robson (Griffith University, Australia)


This talk outlines a new theoretical procedure for modelling the transverse dynamics of relativistic electron beams injected into plasma-based accelerators operated in the blow-out regime. Quantities of physical interest, such as the emittance,are furnished directly from solution of phase space moment equations formed from the relativistic Vlasov equation. The moment equations are closed by an Ansatz, and then solved analytically for a prescribed wakefield. The accuracy of the analytic result is established by benchmarking against a both a semi-analytic numerical procedure and a PIC simulation.

Primary author

Prof. Robert Robson (Griffith University, Australia)


Dr Jens Osterhoff (DESY) Dr Timon Mehrling (DESY)

Presentation materials