Sep 13 – 19, 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Important Dates

Important Dates

May 31   deadline for early registration, students applications
 and abstracts submission
June 15   deadline for confirmation of early registration
June 30   deadline for abstracts acceptance and for students selection
 (confirmation letters sent)
July 31 
 deadline for registration and hotel accommodation
 (after that date, space-available basis only)
August 31   deadline for early registration fee payment 450,00€
 (after that date and on site 500,00€)
September 13   arrival of EAAC2015 participants
September 14 - 18   working days
September 19   departure of EAAC2015 participants and EuroNNAc meeting
October 31   deadline for workshop proceedings submission