13–19 Sept 2015
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Beam dynamics in resonant plasma wakefield acceleration @SPARC_LAB

15 Sept 2015, 16:30
SML Sala Maria Luisa (Hotel Hermitage)

SML Sala Maria Luisa

Hotel Hermitage

talk WG1 - Electron beams from plasmas WG1 - Electron beams from plasmas


Stefano Romeo (LNF)


The purpose of this contribute is the study of the matching conditions of the electron beams inside plasma in the context of the 3 bunch comb scheme experiment in preparation @SPARC_LAB. We begin by discussing the motivations that led to the choice of the quasi non-linear plasma regime for this experiment. The study will be carried out through the analysis of some simulations performed with Architect a code developed specifically for comb studies. An analysis will be performed about the influence of the drivers transverse spot size and length on the shape of the bubble in order to make the fields as stable as possible. In this regard the optimal injection distances and the possibility of a charge ramp will be investigated as well. A similiar analysis will be performed for the witness spot size in order to prevent oscillations that could lead to emittance growth. The other features of the witness, longitudinal length, injection distance and beam loading, will be studied in order to prevent energy spread growth. All the parameters used in this study were taken from experiments and simulations performed within SPARC_LAB facility.

Primary author

Stefano Romeo (LNF)


Alberto Marocchino (ROMA1) Cristina Vaccarezza (LNF) Enrica Chiadroni (LNF) Francesco Massimo (ROMA1) Massimo Ferrario (LNF) Michele Croia (LNF) Riccardo Pompili (LNF)

Presentation materials