29 giugno 2015 a 3 luglio 2015
Europe/Rome fuso orario

*Leading Talk* Hadronic parity violation in effective field theory

29 giu 2015, 16:20
Room PS1 (Building E, Polo Fibonacci, Pisa)

Room PS1

Building E, Polo Fibonacci, Pisa

Talk Few-Body Physics Working Group Parallel Session 2 -Few-Body Physics WG


Matthias Schindler (University of South Carolina, Columbia)


Parity-violating interactions between nucleons are the manifestation of an interplay of strong and weak interactions between quarks in the nucleons. Because of the short range of the weak interactions, these parity-violating forces provide a unique probe of low-energy strong interactions. An ongoing experimental program is mapping out this weak component of the nuclear force in few-nucleon systems. Recent theoretical progress in analyzing and interpreting hadronic parity violation in such systems, based on effective field theory methods, will be described. In particular, important information on parity-violating nucleon-nucleon interactions can be gained from an asymmetry in deuteron photodisintegration, which might be measurable at a future high-intensity photon source such as the proposed upgraded HIGS facility. Recent theoretical calculations of this parity-violating asymmetry and the impact of such a measurement on our understanding of hadronic parity violation will be discussed.

Autore principale

Matthias Schindler (University of South Carolina, Columbia)

Materiali di presentazione