Martha Constantinou
(University of Cyprus, Nicosia)
Understanding hadron structure from first principles is considered a milestone of hadronic physics and numerous experiments have been devoted to its study, starting with the measurements of the electromagnetic form factors more than 50 years ago. Lattice QCD (LQCD) is a powerful tool for the ab inition calculation of hadron observables that are either well determined experimentally, or not easily accessible in experiment. Thus, LQCD may provide input to phenomenology, as well as new input for beyond the Standard Model Physics.
Progress in the simulation of LQCD has been impressive, mainly due to improvements in the algorithms, development of new techniques and increase in computational power, that have enabled simulations to be carried out at parameters very close to their physical values. In this talk I will review developments in hadron structure with focus on recent achievements in the evaluation of nucleon quantities, such as the axial charge, electromagnetic form factors, the Dirac and Pauli radii, the quark momentum fraction and the spin content of the nucleon, in view of simulations close or at the physical value of the pion mass. I will also highlight selected results on hyperon and meson form factors.