Parallel Session E
- Eli Waxman (Weizmann Institute)
Thorsten Glüsenkamp
01/10/2014, 14:00
The recent discovery of a diffuse neutrino flux around PeV energies raises the question which populations of astrophysical sources contribute to this diffuse signal. One extragalactic candidate source population to produce high-energy neutrinos are Blazars.
We present results from a likelihood analysis searching for cumulative neutrino emission from Blazar populations selected with the 2nd...
Ruoyu Liu
(Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK))
01/10/2014, 14:40
We argue that the excess of sub-PeV/PeV neutrinos recently reported by IceCube could plausibly originate through pion-production processes in the same sources responsible for cosmic rays (CRs) with energy above the second knee around 10^{18}eV. The pion production efficiency for escaping CRs that produce PeV neutrinos is required to be >0.1 in such sources. On the basis of current data, we...
Narek Sahakyan
(National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and ICRANet)
01/10/2014, 15:00
The recent results from ground based gamma-ray detectors (HESS, MAGIC, VERITAS) provides a population of TeV galactic gamma-ray sources which are potential sources of high energy neutrinos. Since the gamma-rays and neutrinos are produced from decays of neutral and charged pions, the flux of TeV gamma-rays can be used to estimate the upper limit of neutrino flux and vice versa; detectability of...