September 30, 2014 to October 3, 2014
C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
RICAP-14 The Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics in Noto, Sicily, Italy

Cosmic rays measurements around the knee

Oct 1, 2014, 11:15 AM
Aula Giavanti, ground floor (C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy)

Aula Giavanti, ground floor

C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy


Andrea Chiavassa (Universita` agli Studi di Torino)


I will present the latest results obtained by EAS experiments operating in the 10^14-10^18 eV energy range, highlighting the major achievements, relating them with higher and lower energies measurements. The more relevant contributions to the systematic errors in the primary energy and mass determination by EAS experiments will be discussed. In conclusion I will present and discuss a qualitative data interpretation in terms of elemental spectra with knees at constant rigidity.

Primary author

Andrea Chiavassa (Universita` agli Studi di Torino)

Presentation materials