September 30, 2014 to October 3, 2014
C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
RICAP-14 The Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics in Noto, Sicily, Italy

Positron fraction, electron and positron spectra measured by AMS02

Oct 2, 2014, 2:00 PM
Aula Giavanti, ground floor (C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy)

Aula Giavanti, ground floor

C.U.M.O. Noto (SR), Italy


Cecilia Pizzolotto (INFN and ASDC)


A precise measurement by AMS02 of the electron spectrum up to 700 GeV and of the positron spectrum and positron fraction in primary cosmic rays up 500 GeV will be presented. In this contribution, we will review the analysis performed to determine the individual fluxes that for the first time have been extended to such high energies. The combined measurement of the cosmic-ray electron and positron energy spectra and fraction provide a unique tool to improve our understanding of the production, acceleration and propagation mechanism of cosmic rays.

Primary author

Cecilia Pizzolotto (INFN and ASDC)

Presentation materials