<font size="+1">International Symposium</font> <br><i>Lepton and Hadron Physics at Meson-Factories</i> 2013

Messina (Italy)

Messina (Italy)

Giorgio Giardina (CT), Giuseppe Mandaglio (CT), Graziano Venanzoni (LNF), Simon Eidelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
The Symposium will focus on the new projects and new lines of researches in the field of the Lepton and Hadron Physics that will be developed in the main Laboratories and Research Centres during the next 10 years. Therefore, the Symposium is open to contributions on various kinds of particle physics (also of astrophysical interest). In the Symposium, the main emphasis will be on the discussion (from experimental and theoretical points of view) of high precision measurements and calculation useful to test the Standard Models, searches of new particles and interaction forces (dark force and dark matter), resonances by hadronic or electromagnetic interactions and their decay into scalar and vector mesons.
  • Agnese De Gaetano
  • Alessandro Pilloni
  • Alessio Settineri
  • Alice Restifo Chiavetta
  • Amareshwar Prasad Chunduru
  • Anastasia Cassisa
  • Anastasia Cassisa
  • Andreas Hafner
  • Andrzej Kupsc
  • Angela Maimone
  • Antonina Isgrò
  • Antonina Rosano
  • Antonino Cannavo'
  • Antonio Anastasi
  • Antonio Di Domenico
  • Belinda Calanni Fraccono
  • Bernd Krusche
  • Carmine Fedele
  • Celeste Guerrisi
  • Christian Antonino Salvo
  • Christoph Florian Redmer
  • Daniele Pistone
  • David Rubin
  • Douglas MacGregor
  • Elena Chillè
  • Elena Santopinto
  • Fabio Bossi
  • Fabrizio Creazzo
  • Federico Malizia
  • Filippo Benenati
  • Floriana Frascati
  • Francesca Curciarello
  • Francesco Di Stefano
  • Francesco Mammoliti
  • Gabriele Munaò
  • Gaetano Filippo Caminiti
  • Giacomo Morsillo
  • Gian Pio Domiziani
  • Gianluigi Boca
  • Giorgio Giardina
  • Giovanna Ruello
  • Giovanni Ceccio
  • Giovanni Gallo
  • Giuliana Malta
  • Giuseppe Arro'
  • Giuseppe Gabriele Nunnari
  • Giuseppe Gabriele Piccione
  • Giuseppe Mandaglio
  • Giuseppe Turco
  • Graziano Venanzoni
  • Hai-Bo Li
  • Ian Nugent
  • Ivan Logashenko
  • Ivano Sarra
  • Jacopo Ferretti
  • James Joseph Valdez
  • Josè Amato
  • Katia Aragona
  • Letterio Biondo
  • Luca Trentadue
  • Luca Vernaci
  • Marc Unverzagt
  • Marco Battaglieri
  • Marco Sessa
  • Massimo Passera
  • Matteo Fael
  • Miha Mihovilovic
  • Pavel Pakhlov
  • Rosaria Maio
  • Rosaria Verduci
  • Salvatore Ruben Spatola
  • Sebastiano Vasi
  • Sergio Gurgone
  • Silvestra Soffli
  • Simon Eidelman
  • Sonia D'Arrigo
  • Sonia Marrara
  • Stefano Romeo
  • Valentina Mandanici
  • Valeria Giunta
  • Veronica De Leo
  • Vincenzo Bellini
  • Yuping Guo
    • Registration
    • Welcome Reception
    • Opening Session
    • 1
      Measurement of e+e- hadronic cross sections at Novosibirsk
      Speaker: Dr Simon Eidelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • Session 1
      Convener: Graziano Venanzoni (LNF)
    • 2
      Hadron production in e+e- collisions at BABAR and implications for the muon anomalous magnetic moment
      Speaker: Andreas Hafner
    • 3
      Overview of BES III experiment
      Speaker: Dr Haibo Li (IHEP, Beijing)
    • 4
      Review of physics at KLOE
      Speaker: Fabio Bossi (LNF)
    • 11:15
      Coffee Break
    • Session 2
      Convener: Dr Simon Eidelman (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 5
      g-2 experiment
      Speaker: Prof. David Rubin (Cornell University)
    • 6
      Theory of muon g-2
      Speaker: Massimo Passera (PD)
    • 7
      pi pi analysis and g-2
      Speaker: Dr Ivan Logashenko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • 13:15
      Lunch Break
    • 8
      Meson transition form factors
      Speaker: Dr Andrzej Kupsc (Uppsala University)
    • Session 3
      Convener: Prof. Bernd Krusche
    • 9
      Current and Future Research with Real Photons at the MAMI 1.6 GeV electron accelerator
      Speaker: Dr Douglas MacGregor (Glasgow University)
    • 10
      The experiment PANDA: physics goals and experimental setup
      PANDA is an experiment that will run at FAIR, the new accellerator facility in Darmstadt, Germany, in 2018. A high intensity antiproton beam with up to 15 GeV/c momentum will collide on a fixed target (pellet or jet target). The experiment will investigate a wide range of physics topics in the hadronic interactions in the non-perturbative QCD regime (center of mass energies between 2 and 5.5 GeV). The apparatus used to achieve these physics goals will be outlined in this talk.
      Speaker: Dr Gianluigi Boca (University of Pavia)
    • 11
      eta and eta' Physics at MAMI
      The A2 collaboration studies photoproduction mechanisms and decays of light mesons. The photon beam used, is produced through Bremsstrahlung of electrons in a thin radiator. The electrons are delivered by the MAMI accelerator with a maximum energy of E_e = 1604 MeV. Post-radiating electrons are momentum-analysed in the Glasgow-tagging spectrometer. In 2012, a new tagging spectrometer was successfully installed to cover the accessible eta'-photoproduction range. The target is located in the centre of the Crystal Ball-spectrometer. Forward angles are covered by a spectrometer-wall consisting of TAPS-crystals. The experimental set-up described above is ideal for high-precision experiments on light pseudoscalar mesons in a clean production environment. Results from the Crystal Ball-experiment are competitive with other world-leading facilities. Especially results from neutral decays measured with the Crystal Ball are of exceptional precision. In this presentation, the capabilities for the production of light mesons with the Crystal Ball set-up at MAMI will be described. Furthermore, recent results from eta and eta' decays will be presented. Among these are the recent determination of the eta' cross-section near threshold with unprecedented accuracy, and a new determination of the eta transition form factor from the eta->e+e-g decay. At the end an outlook on future measurements will be given.
      Speaker: Dr Marc Unverzagt (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz)
    • 16:15
      Coffee Break
    • 12
      Hadron Spectroscopy at MAMI and at ELSA
      Speaker: Bernd Krusche
    • Session 4
      Convener: Dr Andrzej Kupsc (Uppsala University)
    • 13
      eta' beam asymmetry at the threshold at GRAAL
      Speaker: Dr Giuseppe Mandaglio (Department of Physics - University of Messina and INFN Sezione di Catania)
    • 14
      Test of the gem front tracker for the sbs spectrometer at jefferson lab
      Speaker: Francesco Mammoliti (CT)
    • 15
      Iride project
      Speaker: TBC
    • 20:00
      Social Dinner
    • 16
      Meson spectroscopy at Jlab
      Speaker: Marco Battaglieri (GE)
    • Session 5
      Convener: Dr Douglas MacGregor (Glasgow University)
    • 17
      Interpretation of the X(3872) as a charmonium state plus an extra component due to the coupling to the meson-meson continuum
      Speaker: Elena Santopinto (INFN)
    • 18
      Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy
      Since ten years experiments have been observing a host of exotic states decaying into heavy quarkonia. The interpretation of most of them still remains uncertain and, in some cases, controversial, notwithstanding a considerable progress has been made on the quality of the experimental information available and a number of ideas and models have been put forward to explain the observations. In this talk we will expose the state-of-the-art of exotic spectroscopy, and will review the most promising theoretical interpretations, in particular we will discuss the nature of Zc(3900), a charged charmonium-like state recently discovered at BES and Belle. Finally, we will propose a new mechanism to explain the prompt X(3872) production cross section at hadron colliders.
      Speaker: Alessandro Pilloni (ROMA1)
    • 19
      Heavy quarkonium hybrid mesons
      Speaker: Jacopo Ferretti
    • 20
      Kaon Physics with KLOE/KLOE-2
      Speaker: Antonio Di Domenico (ROMA1;LNF)
    • 11:10
      Coffee Break
    • 21
      Recent progress in tau lepton physics
      Speaker: Dr Ian Nugent (TRIUMF)
    • Session 6
      Convener: Massimo Passera (PD)
    • 22
      Towards a determination of the tau lepton dipole moment
      Speaker: Matteo Fael
    • 23
      Physics with the Belle detector
      Speaker: Pavel Pakhlov
    • 13:15
      Lunch Break
    • 24
      Form factors with KLOE/KLOE-2
      Speaker: Ivano Sarra (LNF)
    • Session 7
      Convener: Fabio Bossi (LNF)
    • 25
      Dark forces at KLOE/KLOE-2
      Speaker: Dr Francesca Curciarello (Dipartimento di Fisica-Università di Messina)
    • 26
      Studies of continuum physics with KLOE/KLOE-2
      Speaker: Dr Veronica De Leo
    • 27
      XYZ physics at BES III
      Speaker: Yuping GUO (Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
    • 16:10
      Coffee Break
    • Session 8
      Convener: Dr Haibo Li (IHEP, Beijing)
    • 28
      Two-photon physics and possibly light meson spectroscopy at BES-III
      Speaker: Dr Christoph Florian Redmer (Institute for Nuclear Physics, Johannes Gutenberg - University Mainz)
    • 29
      The initial state radiation experiment at MAMI
      Speaker: Miha Mihovilovic
    • 30
      Perturbative QCD at LHC
      Speaker: Luca Trentadue (PR)
    • 31
      Speaker: Graziano Venanzoni (LNF)