P20 - Improving the lateral resolution in ion beam analysis by deconvolution of the point spread function of a nuclear microprobe
Michael Mensing
(University of Leipzig - Division of Nuclear Solid State Physics, Germany)
P89 - Electric Force Microscopy Characterization of Ion Beam microfabricated Graphitic Channels in single crystal diamond
Ettore Bernardi
(Physics Department and “NIS” Inter-departmental centre, University of Torino; INFN, Sezione di Torino; Consorzio Nazionale Inter-universitario per le Scienze fisiche della Materia (CNISM), Sezione di Torino; Torino, Italy)
P49 - Application of nondestructive analytical techniques to the study of Iron Gall inks
Victoria Corregidor
(Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, IST, Portugal)
P51 - The collection of Hispano-Moresque tiles from the Museum of the Roman Theatre, in Lisbon: chemical characterisation by µ-PIXE
Luis Alves
(IST/IPFN, Universidade de Lisboa, Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Portugal)
P50 - Lost image recovery for stained glass panels from the Rosslyn Chapel
Geoffrey Grime
(University of Surrey Ion Beam Centre, Guildford, U.K.)
P65 - The role of microPIXE in the study of the distribution and function of trace elements in the retina and cornea of the rat eye.
Geoffrey Grime
(Univesity of Surrey, UK)
P92 - Investigation of Deep Levels in Silicon Carbide using Ion-Induced Charge Transient Spectroscopy
Wataru Kada
(Gunma University, Japan)
P02 - Ion optics of probe forming systems on the base of magnetic quadrupole lenses with conical aperture
Anna Ponomarova
(Sumy State University, Russia)
P80 - Comparative study of the charge collection efficiency decrease on Si and SiC diodes after irradiation with high energy protons
Javier Garcia Lopez
(Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics Department, University of Sevilla, Spain)
Mª Carmen Jiménez-Ramos
(Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Spain)
P14 - Progress in development and application of MeV TOF-SIMS technique at the Zagreb Heavy Ion Microbeam Facility
Zdravko Siketic
(Ruder Boskovic Institute, Bijenicka 54, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia)
P79 - Elemental Quantification of Gunshot Residues
Johnny Dias
(Institute of Physics - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil)
P04 - High voltage scanning ion microscope: beam optic and design
Dmitry Magilin
(Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine)
P57 - Fluorine uptake into human enamel surface from fluoride-containing sealing materials during cariogenic pH cycling
Yasuhiro Matsuda
(Department of Restorative Dentistry, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
P01 - Study of ion probe formation with high current density for micro irradiation techniques
Oleksandr Romanenko
(Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine)
P43 - Full field x-ray fluorescence for the two-dimensional micro imaging of painted artworks
Francesco Paolo Romano
P77 - Application of IBA in the comparative analyses of fish scales as biomonitors of pollution
Jose Francisco Guambe
(Eduardo Mondlane University-Maputo-Mozambique)
P09 - The FUDAN proton microbeam for sub-cellular irradiation
Xufei Wang
(Fudan University, China)
P12 - Use of a capillary microprobe for heavy ion microbeams in Ion Beam Analysis and MeV SIMS
Martina Schulte-Borchers
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
P32 - Writing and Imaging Nanostructures of Single Defects in Diamond
Nicole Raatz
(Universitaet Leipzig, Germany)
P63 - Evaluation of caries progression in dentin treated by fluoride-containing materials using PIGE/PIXE system
Hiroko Yamamoto
(Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan)
P70 - Molecular imaging using micro-MeV-SIMS
Brian Nathaniel Jones
(University of Surrey, Ion Beam Centre, Guildford, Surrey, UK)
P36 - Improvement of spatial resolution and detection efficiency by control of secondary-electron in single-event three-dimensional time-of-flight Rutherford backscattering spectrometry
Satoshi Abo
(Osaka University, Japan)
P83 - Geiger mode mapping: a new imaging modality for focused ion microprobes
David Jamieson
(University of Melbourne, Australia)
P22 - Identification and reduction of acoustic-noise influence on focused ion beam (FIB)
Mariusz Pluska
(Institute of Electron Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
P39 - A technique for measurement of the stable boron isotope ratio.
Per Kristiansson
(Division of Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden)
P41 - An evaluation of the proton-proton scattering method for hydrogen measurement in geological samples.
Maciek Borysiuk
(Division of Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden)
P35 - Quantitative reconstruction of PIXE-Tomography data for thin samples using GUPIX X-ray emission yields
Guillaume Devès
(Univ. Bordeaux, CENBG and CNRS, IN2P3, Gradignan, France)
Philippe Barberet
(Univ. Bordeaux, CENBG and CNRS, IN2P3, Gradignan, France)
P78 - Elemental Characterization of Gunshot Residues Generated by Brazilian Manufactured Ammunition
Anaí Duarte
(UFRGS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Farropilhas, Porto Alegre - Brasile)
P34 - Quantitative Hydrogen Microscopy
Marcus Moser
(Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Muenchen, Germany)
P06 - New Microbeam Slit System for High Beam Currents
Thomas Vallentin
(Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Germany)
P21 - A compact gas ionisation direct-STIM detector for MeV ion microscopy
Rattanaporn Norarat
(Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiang Rai, 57120 Chiang Rai, Thailand)
P07 - Beam Transport of High Brightness Beam through a Tandem Accelerator for a High Energy Ion Microprobe
Marcus Moser
(Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Germany)
P88 - Degradation of the charge collection efficiency of an n-type Fz silicon diode subjected to MeV proton irradiation
Jacopo Forneris
(Physics Department, NIS research Centre and CNISM, University of Torino, via P. Giuria 1, 10125 Torino, Italy)
P99 - Effect of Cobalt Doping on Titanium Dioxide Thin Film Prepared by Ion Layer Gas Reaction method
Henry Wafula
(Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Germany)
P46 - Searching for Late Bronze Age soldering techniques: µPIXE analyses of the gold bracelets from Herdade do Álamo (Beja, Portugal)
Luis Alves
(C2TN, IST/CTN, Universidade de Lisboa, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavém, Portugal)
P47 - Simultaneous micro-PiXE and micro-EBS analysis applied to XVI century silver and copper coins
João Cruz
(FCT-UNL, Portugal)
Luís Alves
(C2TN, IST/CTN, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Victoria Berdasco
(IPFN, IST/CTN, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
P96 - Depth profiling of ion-implanted silicon wafer using nuclear resonance of elastic backscattering He + 28Si
Mitsuo Tosaki
(Radioisotope Research Center, Kyoto University, Japan)
P64 - A new ImageJ plugin for ion beam imaging and data processing at AIFIRA facility
(CENBG - University of Bordeaux - CNRS/IN2P3, France)
guillaume deves
(CNRS- CENBG/IPCV University of Bordeaux, France)
P97 - Imaging of Li Distribution in Li ion batteries by direct elemental detection tecnique of PIGE and NRA combined with proton microbeam at TIARA
Tomihiro Kamiya
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan)
P60 - Analysis of erythrocyte elements in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with interferon and ribavirin by in-air microPIXE
Takeaki Nagamine
(Graduate school of health science, Gunma University, Japan)
P28 - Automatic beam focusing in the 2nd generation proton beam writing line
Jeroen Anton van Kan
(CIBA, Physic NUS, Singapore)
P19 - Performance of a gas flow ionization detector filled with He-iC4H10 mixtures for STIM-T
A.C. Marques
(IST/IPFN, Universidade de Lisboa, Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Portugal)
P18 - Variation in the uptake of Nanoparticles by Monolayer Cultured Cells using High Resolution Ion Beam Imaging
Ye Tao
(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
P91 - Nuclear Microbeam Analysis of Germanium doped GDP from Thin Film to ICF Target
Caicai Rong
(Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Xufei Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
P33 - Resolution intercomparison in microscopy and lithography using light and ion beam imaging
Harry J. Whitlow
(University of Applied Sciences (HES-SO), Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie, Institut des Microtechnologies Appliquées Arc, France)
P62 - Impact of inflammation on tissues stores of iron
Luis Alves
(Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, IST, Spain)
Maria Dolores Ynsa
(Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Teresa Pinheiro
(Instituto de Biociencias e Bioengenharia, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
P95 - Tomographic examination of ion tracks by ion microbeam energy loss analysis
Jiri Vacik
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
P40 - Light element analysis and imaging using Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission
Frans Munnik
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany)
P27 - Creation of double tilted pillar structures for microfluidic applications
Istvan Rajta
(MTA Atomki, Debrecen, Hungary)
P05 - Five magnetic quadrupole lenses with four separated power supplies as one stage probeforming system of nuclear microprobe
Artem Ponomarov
(Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
P76 - Combined PIXE-PIGE measurements of quartz- and topaz-hosted melt inclusions from the Ary-Bulak ongonite massif of Siberia
Wojciech Przybylowicz
(Materials Research Department, iThemba LABS, Somerset West, South Africa)
P03 - Improvement of compact ion microbeam focusing with the hundreds-keV three-stage acceleration lens system by optimizing the divergence angle of an incident beam
Tomihiro Kamiya
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
Yasuyuki Ishii
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
P82 - Hypervelocity dust impact craters on photovoltaic devices imaged by ion beam induced charge
David Jamieson
(University of Melbourne,Australia)
P87 - Monitoring of the vacancy recombination rates and defect formation processes in Si and diamond during the irradiation by MeV energy ions
Milko Jaksic
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia)
P58 - Contribution of micro-PIXE to investigate the toxicology of soluble and particulate cobalt on human lung cells
Richard ORTEGA
(CENBG, CNRS, University of Bordeaux, Gradignan, France)
P85 - Sharing effects in the inter-strip gap of DSSSDs
Laura Grassi
(Universita' di Padova - INFN Sez. di Padova, Italy)
P54 - Micro-PIXE and micro-NRA: associated tools for materials characterization
Liana A. B. Niekraszewicz
(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência dos Materiais, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.)
P94 - Precision differential cross sections of the 12C(p,p)12C elastic scattering in the vicinity of the resonance at 1.726 MeV
Serhiy M. Duvanov
(Institute of Applied Physics NAS Ukraine)
P81 - Self-consistent depth profiling of GaN-based high electron mobility transistors
Luis Alves
(Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, IST, Portugal)
P15 - Investigations into doped NaYF4 nanocrystals as novel probes for ion beam induced fluorescence imaging
Zhaohong MI
(Centre for Ion Beam Applications, Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
P37 - A 17th century glass collection from Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha in Coimbra, Portugal: Exploratory results using PIXE
Luis Alves
(Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, IST, Portugal)
P61 - Study of the elemental distribution in the stigma of a Ni hyperaccumulator plant
Maria Dolores Ynsa
(Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
P31 - Ion-beam-fabrication of buried graphitic electrodes for the excitation of electroluminescent NV centers in diamond
Jacopo Forneris
(Physics Department and NIS Research Center, University of Torino; INFN sez. Torino; CNISM sez. Torino, Italy)
P11 - Fifteen years of the microbeam facility at the INFN-LABEC laboratory in Florence
Lisa Castelli
(Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Università di Firenze; INFN - Sezione di Firenze, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy)
Lorenzo Giuntini
(Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Università di Firenze; INFN - Sezione di Firenze, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy)
P23 - A Fully Digital Data Acquisition System for Nuclear Microprobe Applications
Tilo Reinert
(University of North Texas, U.S.A.)
P55 - Microbeam irradiation to study hypersensitive response of A549 NSCLC cells after low-dose irradiation with low-LET protons
Anne-Catherine Wéra
(Ion Beam Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom)
P42 - Archaeometric studies of Byzantine pottery from Harsova (Carsium), Romania
Daniele Ceccato
(Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia; INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Italy)
P75 - Geological Information on Transylvanian Native Gold Using micro-PIXE
(National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering "Horia Hulubei", Romania)
P74 - Trace element mapping of pyrite from gold deposits – A comparison between PIXE and EPMA
Wojciech Przybylowicz
(Materials Research Department, iThemba LABS, Somerset West, South Africa)
P16 - Reconstruction of relief by means of stereo-PIXE for curved target
Mozhgan Mohammadi
(M. Sc student, Physics Department, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran.)
P44 - Some applications of micro-PIXE in the study of ancient bronze, silver and obsidian artifacts
Daniela Stan
(National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei, Romania)
P56 - Nuclear microprobe analysis of leaves from tropical nickel hyperaccumulators growing in Sabah, Malaysia
Jolanta Mesjasz-Przybylowicz
(Materials Research Department, iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa)
P86 - Micro-IBA analysis of Au/Si eutectic “crop-circles”
ettore vittone
(University of Torino, Department of Phyics, Torino, Italy)
P48 - Micro-PIXE and micro-XRF applied to ancient coins
Corregidor Berdasco
(IPFN, IST/CTN, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
João Cruz
(Uiversitade Nova de Lisboa, FCT, Portugal)
Luís Alves
(C2TN, IST/CTN, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Marta Manso
(Centro de Física Atómica da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
P10 - Upgrading the external microbeam facility at INFN-LABEC in Florence: PIXE with carbon microbeams and the forward scattering setup
Lisa Castelli
(INFN Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, Italy)
Lorenzo Giuntini
(Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia and INFN, Sezione di Firenze, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy)
P53 - Micro-PIXE Analysis of Ancient Roman Coins
Jacopo Corsi
(Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Torino, Italy)
P72 - Elbow dysplasia: an unsolved problem
Micaela Fonseca
(Departamento de Física da FCT/UNL;Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa; Universidade Europeia, Laureate International Universities, Portugal)
P08 - Setup and First Results of the New External Micro-beam of the 5SDH Tandem Accelerator at LAEC
Mohamad ROUMIE
(Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission, CNRSL, Beirut, Lebanon)
P30 - Ion micro-beam and pulsed-laser beam techniques for the micro-fabrication of diamond surface and bulk structures
P71 - Elemental distribution and sample integrity comparison of freeze-dried and frozen-hydrated biological tissue samples with nuclear microprobe
Primož Vavpetič
(Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.)
P45 - Ion beam analysis of golden threads from Romanian medieval textiles
Enikő Furu
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-4001 Debrecen, P.O. Box 51, Hungary)
P93 - Study of the oxygen depth profile of welded joints using PIGE, RBS and NRA techniques at various deuteron energies
Róbert Huszank
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-4001 Debrecen, P. O. Box 51, Hungary)
P24 - A segmented detector for airborne gamma-ray spectroscopy
Paola Garosi
(CAEN S.p.A. France and University of Siena, Italy)
P84 - IBIC mapping of anomalous polarity pulses in a multi-electrode diamond detector
Jacopo Forneris
(Physics Department and NIS Research Center, University of Torino; INFN sez. Torino; CNISM sez. Torino, Italy)
P69 - Calibration and application of molecular imaging with MeV SIMS in positive and negative mode on plant tissue
Luka Jeromel
(Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia)
P90 - Multiscale characterization of helium migration in transition metal carbides and nitrides
(JANNUS Lab., CEA Saclay)
P17 - Development of a new light collection and detection system optimized for ion beam induced fluorescence microscopy
Zhaohong MI
(Centre for Ion Beam Applications, Department of Physics, National University of Singapore)
P25 - Proton Beam Writing combined with controlled subsequent electrochemical etching for the three-dimensional microstructuring of p-GaAs and p-InP for MEMS applications
Alrik Stegmaier
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)
Charlotte Rothfuchs
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)
P13 - Current measurement for low current microprobe techniques including MeV SIMS
Valentin Stoytschew
(Institut Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb, Croatia)
P98 - An observation of the open pore formation and ion guiding effect in corundum implanted with Ti ions and irradiated with 90 MeV Kr ions
Serhiy M. Duvanov
(Institute of Applied Physics NAS Ukraine)
P66 - Evaluation of the effects of Kolaviron (Garcinia kola) on the elemental metabolism in the rat liver and kidney using PIXE, RBS and SEM.
Johan Mars
(Department of Medical Bioscience, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa)
P29 - Comparative Study of Microstructured Polymer Foils using STIM with H, He and Li ions
Elis Stori
(Institute of Physics - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil)
P52 - Paintings on copper by the Flemish artist Frans Francken: PIXE characterization by external micro beam
Victoria Corregidor
(Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, IST Bobadela LRS - Portugal)
P73 - Design for RARAF nanoprobe
Gerhard Randers-Pehrson
(Columbia University, USA)
P38 - Micro_PIXE and SEM-EDX Studies for Archaeological Metal Findings Characterization
Maria Crista Buoso
(INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Italy)
P67 - Investigation of intracellular multilayer decomposition of Layer-by-Layer self-assembled particles by means of ion beam analysis
Steffen Jankuhn
(Universität Leipzig, Faculty of Physics and Geosciences, Germany)
P68 - Investigation of elemental distribution in human femoral head - studies of the Paget disease of bone
Cátia Santos
(Dep. Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Centro de Física Atómica, FCT-UNL, Portugal)
P26 - Proton beam writing of dye doped polymer microlasers
Andrew Bettiol
(Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
P59 - Enhanced RBE of submicron focused low LET protons
Christoph Greubel
(Institut für Angewandte Physik und Messtechnik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany)