Aliz Simon
(International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria)
The IAEA Physics Section is pursuing efforts on utilizing particle accelerators to support fundamental and applied research, characterize and qualify materials of nuclear interest and provide education and training. Investigation of radiation damage and radiation hardness with ion beam irradiations is one of the priorities both for nuclear and semiconductor materials. Recent coordinated efforts to develop a protocol for characterisation of radiation induced damage includes both experimental, theoretical and software developments. Other efforts focus on the improvement of the quality of the analytical data from the infrastructural, nuclear data and software development points of view. The support of the recent development of molecular concentration imaging with focussed heavy ions is also part of the Physics Section Programme.
Furthermore, it is also recognized that establishment and operation of accelerator facilities require more attention because of their complexity and remarkable costs involved. Operation schemes of various types of accelerator facilities in response to the users’ requirements, standardisation of the beamlines, performance indicators and figures of merit are only a few aspects which require coordinated and joint actions in order to improve the reliability of the service in a cost effective way. One of the new initiatives is that we support to develop and coordinate aspects of management strategies for accelerator facilities.
The IAEA Physics Section is launching a new Accelerator Knowledge Portal (AKP) for the benefit of accelerator scientists, accelerator users and service providers worldwide. The knowledge portal offers not only a database of MV particle accelerators in the world, but it has several networking and community features in an attempt to bring together the accelerator community, as well as provide information to accelerator users and policy makers, too.
The AKP is a community driven website with some features which are opened for the public and some of them exclusively for registered users.
For more information, registration and update your accelerator facility please visit the AKP: http://nucleus.iaea.org/sites/accelerators/.
The different mechanism to achieve our objectives and new initiatives in the field of “Accelerators” which define our programme in the 2014-15 cycle will be presented in this talk.
Primary author
Aliz Simon
(International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria)