Alrik Stegmaier
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)Ms
Charlotte Rothfuchs
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)
Nowadays, an increasing demand on microelectromechanical systems can be found in the field of capacitive accelerometers, pressure sensors or energy harvesters [1,2].
Three-dimensional microstructures needed for those applications have already been fabricated with the lithographic technique Proton Beam Writing [3].
In particular, just by variation of the irradiation fluence, Proton Beam Writing in combination with fluence depending electrochemical etching proved to be promising for three-dimensional semiconductor microstructuring [4].
Recently, a controlled fabrication of free-standing or undercutted structures was possible due to finite element simulations of the electrochemical etching rates [5].
We are going to present our latest results regarding the microstructuring of p-GaAs and p-InP.
[1] V. Cimalla, J. Pezoldt, and O. Ambacher, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 40(20), 6386, 2007
[2] J. A. Paradiso and T. Starner, IEEE Pervasive Comput., 4(1), 18-27, 2005
[3] J.A. van Kan et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 83(8), 1629, 2003
[4] M. Schulte-Borchers , U. Vetter, T. Koppe, H. Hofsäss, J. Micromech. Microeng., 22, 025011, 2012.
[5] T. Koppe, C. Rothfuchs, M. Schulte-Borchers, H. Hofsäss, H. Boudinov, U. Vetter, IEEE J. Microelectromech. Syst, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, 2014
Primary author
Charlotte Rothfuchs
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)
Alrik Stegmaier
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)
Hans Hofsäss
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)
Tristan Koppe
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)
Ulrich Vetter
(Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Germany)