Oct 20 – 25, 2013
Treviso, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Scientific Programme
  [for a printable pdf copy, please click Here]

Sunday, October 20, 2013                                       

15.00-18.00 Registration at the  “Congress Centre” –  Hotel "B4 Treviso - Maggior Consiglio"
                    Registration Desk will remain open from Monday Oct. 21 to Friday Oct. 25 throughout the Symposium Scientific Sessions.
17.30-19.00  Opening Cerimony:
Opening Addresses
Opening lecture -  “H.H. Rossi Lecture”:
Leslie Braby
, USA:
Experimental Microdosimetry: History, applications and recent technical advances

19.30           Welcome Party  at the  Hotel "B4 Treviso - Maggior Consiglio"

Monday, October 21, 2013                                     

8.30 - 9.30    Refresher Course

M. Dingfelder, USA:
Cross sections for Track structure codes
(Invited Speaker)
[50 minutes]

9.30 - 11:00  Session I – Physics and Chemistry of radiation tracks

T. Liamsuwan, Thailand:
Microdosimetry of the full slowing down of protons using Monte Carlo track structure simulations [20 minutes]

I. Plante, USA:
A Binary-Encounter-Bethe approach to simulate DNA damage by the direct Effect [20 minutes]

W. Friedland, Germany:
Simulating high-LET tracks by low-LET particles focused to submicrometre scales: Monte Carlo Track-Structure based model
[20 minutes]
C. Li, China:
DNA strand breaks induced by electrons simulated with nanodosimetry Monte Carlo simulation code - NASIC
[20 minutes]
11:00 - 11:30          Coffee-Break

11.30 -13.00 Session II – Modelling of Radiation Actions/DNA damage and repair
A. Rapp, Germany:
Genome-wide analysis the gamma-H2AX response after X-ray exposure by ChIP-seq
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
M. Davidkova, Czech Republic:
Contribution of indirect effect to cluster damage in proton irradiated DNA
[20 minutes]
L. Herr, Germany:
Modelling Radiation Effects Based on the Spatio-Temporal Clustering of DNA Damage in Higher Order Chromatin Structures
[20 minutes]
P. Kundrat, Germany:
Chromosome aberration model combining radiation tracks, chromatin structure, DSB repair and chromatin mobility
[20 minutes]

13.00           Lunch at the Hotel "B4 Treviso - Maggior Consiglio"

14.30-16.00  Session III – Radiation Action/RBE and Radiation Quality
A. Wambersie, Belgium:
Sixteen Symposia on Microdosimetry: Applications in modern particle-beam cancer radiotherapy (Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
H. Shimada, Japan:
Atomic site-selective energy deposition to nucleobases observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
[20 minutes]
F. Ballarini, Italy:
A biophysical model linking radiation-induced chromosome aberrations and cell death
[20 minutes]
J. Constanzo, France:
RBE of two Human Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma Cell lines irradiated by medium-energy protons of the Radiograaff platform
[20 minutes]

16:00 - 16:30          Coffee-Break

16:30 -18:00 Session IV – Multi-scale approaches

A. Solov'yov, Germany:
New multiscale approach to radiation action (Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
C. Poole, Australia:
Determination of subcellular compartment sizes for estimating dose variations in radiotherapy
[20 minutes]
J. Lucido, USA:
Incorporating Microdosimetry into Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning with Multi-Scale Monte Carlo Simulations
 [20 minutes]
G. Babini, Italy:
Investigation of radiation-induced multilayered signaling response of the inflammatory pathway
[20 minutes]

Tuesday, October 22, 2013                                     

8.30-9.30      Refresher Course

K. Prise, UK:
Radiation responses of Stem cells : targeted and non-targeted effects (Invited speaker)
[50 minutes]
9.30- 10:45   Session V – Genomic instability, gene expression and signalling
M. Kadhim, UK:
Non targeted effects of radiation exposure: Recent advances
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
Y. Hattori, Japan:
A mathematical model of the radiation-induced responses in cellular population including cell-to-cell communications
[20 minutes]
M. Eidemuller, Germany:
Potential radiation-induced genomic instability in the Swedish hemangioma cohort and consequences for breast cancer risk
[20 minutes]

10.45 - 11:15          Coffee-Break

11.15-13.15  Session VI – Low-dose effects
C. Mothersill, Canada:
Radiation-Induced Non-Targeted Effects: Horizontal and Vertical Transmission of Genetic Change?  (Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
M. Weinfeld, Canada:
Association of ATM activation and DNA repair with induced radioresistance after low-dose irradiation
 [30 minutes]
L. Mariotti, Italy/UK :
Stimulation of intercellular induction of apoptosis in transformed cells at very low doses: spatial and temporal features
[20 minutes]
M. Yeltokova, Kazakhstan :
Deterministic effect of lens at leukergy of patients who received low doses of ionizing radiation
[20 minutes]
M. Belli, Italy:
The European Initiative on Low-Dose risk research: from the HLEG to MELODI
[20 minutes]
13.15           Lunch at the Hotel "B4 Treviso - Maggior Consiglio"

14.30-16.00  Session VII – Auger Electrons and Internal Emitters
S. Pszona, Poland:
Nanodosimetry of  electrons- specification of the descriptors of radiation damage – experiment and modelling
[30 minutes]
F. Villegas, Sweden:
Monte Carlo calculated microdosimetric spread for cell nucleus-sized targets exposed to brachytherapy 125I and 192Ir sources and 60Co radiation
[20 minutes]
G. Royle, UK:
PMMA photoresists for nanoscale quantifiable dosimetry for Auger electron-emitting radiotherapeutics
[20 minutes]
N. Varmenot, France:
New beam monitoring tool for radiobiological experiments at the Cyclotron ARRONAX
[20 minutes]

16.00 - 16:30          Coffee-Break

16:30-18:30  Session VIII - POSTER SESSION (Presentation of the posters with odd ID numbers)


Wednesday, October 23, 2013                               

8.30-9.30      Refresher Course

D.T. Goodhead, UK:
Classical Approaches to Microdosimetry (and implications in radiation protection, medicine and mechanistic understanding) (Invited speaker)
[50 minutes]
9.30 - 10:45  Session IX – Cancer and non-cancer effects of ionising rdiations
H. Schollnberger
, Germany:
Dose–responses from multi-model inference for radiation-induced cardiovascular diseases in atomic bomb survivors
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
C. Simonetto, Germany:
Ischemic Heart Disease in Workers at Mayak PA: Radiation risk and its evolution with age and time
[20 minutes]
B. Madas, Hungary:
Local hyperplasia as a possible direct response of the tissue to chronic exposure to high radon concentrations
[20 minutes]


10.45 - 11:15          Coffee-Break

11.15 - 13.00 Session X – Physics and Radiobiology for Space Radiation Protection
F. A. Cucinotta, USA:
Radiation quality and the Space Risk Projection (SRP) Model 2014
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
G. Reitz, Germany:
Estimating dose and dose equivalent and related risk during a cruise to Mars
[30 minutes]
J. Guo, Germany:
MSL-RAD Radiation Environment Measurements
[20 minutes]
P. Beck, Austria:
Development of a Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter for the assessment of the radiation quality at the International Space Station in the framework of the ESA project EUCPAD
[20 minutes]
13:00             Lunch at the Hotel "B4 Treviso - Maggior Consiglio"

14:30 - 19.00          Social Tour


Thursday, October 24, 2013                                   

8.30-9.30      Refresher Course

M. Waligoski, Poland:
The Princples of Katz's Cellular Track Structure Radiobiological Model
(Invited speaker)
[50 minutes]

9.30-10.45    Session XI - Progress in Experimental Microdosimetry

A. Rosenfeld, Australia:
Silicon Microdosimetry
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
B. Grosswendt, Germany:
Nanodosimetric descriptors of the radiation quality of carbon ions
[20 minutes]
K. Fathi, UK:
Thermal simulations of SQUID based micro-calorimeter to determine a tissue equivalent factor
[20 minutes]

10.45 - 11.15          Coffee-Break

11.15 -13.00 Session XII – Progress in Experimental Microdosimetry (continuation)
A. Waker, Canada :
Environmental Microdosimetry - stochastic analysis of low dose exposures
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
Z. Anjomani, Canada:
Design of a thick gas electron multiplier based multi-element microdosimentric detector
[20 minutes]
T. L. Tran, Australia:
High spatial resolution microdosimetry with DE-E detector on C-12 beam: Monte Carlo simulations and experiment
[20 minutes]
M. Davidkova, Czech Republic:
Microdosimetry in carbon ion beam using Track Etched Detectors
[20 minutes]
G. Magrin, Austria:
Radiation quality measurements in ion-beam therapy: understanding the needs of the Users
[20 minutes]

13.00           Lunch at the Hotel "B4 Treviso - Maggior Consiglio"

14.30-16.00  Session XIII – Microbeam technology and Biological Applications
Philippe Barberet, France:
Advances in microbeam technologies and applications
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
G. Garty, USA:
Measuring the processing of reactive oxygen species in single irradiated cells
[20 minutes]
G. Dollinger, Germany:
High resolution STED-fluorescence microscopy to reveal DSB distribution from low and high LET radiation
[20 minutes]
A. Narita, Japan:
Real-time observation of irradiated HeLa-cell modified by fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator using synchrotron X-ray microbeam
[20 minutes]

16.00-16.30  Coffee-Break

16.30-18.30  Session XIV - POSTER SESSION (Presentation of the posters with even ID numbers)

20.30           Social Dinner  


Friday, October 25, 2013                                       

8.30-9.30      Refresher Course

L. Hlatky, USA:
Biological effects of proton radiation: what we know and don’t know
(Invited speaker)
[50 minutes]
9.30 - 11:00  Session XV – Risk assessment

M. Hill, UK:
FISHing for Radiation Quality: Chromosome aberrations and the role of radiation track structure
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
F. Zenhausern, USA:
Biological assay platform for determining absorbed ionizing radiation dose after radiological and nuclear events
[20 minutes]
Y. Eidelman, Russia:
Biophysical modelling of dose response for radiation-induced complex chromosomal aberrations
[20 minutes]
A. Ottolenghi, Italy:
The ANDANTE project: a multidisciplinary approach to neutron RBE
[20 minutes]

11:00 - 11:30          Coffee-Break

11.30 -13.20           Session XVI – Radiotherapy including Hadrontherapy
M. Durante, Germany:
Hypoxia and dose painting in particle therapy
(Invited speaker)
[30 minutes]
M. Waligorski, Poland:
A TPS kernel for inverse planning of survival-depth distributions in carbon radiotherapy, based on Katz’s Cellular Track Structure Theory
[20 minutes]
T. Friedrich, Germany:
RBE of mammalian cell lines: Two distinct sources of clustered damage
[20 minutes]
F. Romano, Italy:
Monte Carlo calculations of biological effects in hadrontherapy with the GEANT4 code
[20 minutes]
S. Mattiazzo, Italy:
A novel idea for advanced proton imaging in Computed Tomography
[20 minutes]

13.20           Symposium Closure

13.30   Lunch at the Hotel "B4 Treviso - Maggior Consiglio"



15.00   Satellite Event
S.I.R.R. Annual General Meeting