Erdem Oz
(Max Planck for Physics)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
A proton driven plasma wakefield accelerator (pdpwa) experiment using CERN proton bunches is proposed by the Advanced Wake Field Accelerator (AWAKE) collaboration. 12 cm, 400 GeV CERN proton beam enters a 10 meter long plasma and the transverse selfmodulationinstability causes the proton beam to self modulate. The modulated beam behaves as a sequence of microbunches and starts resonantly...
Konstantin V. Khishchenko
(Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS), Dr
Saltanat Polatovna Sadykova
(DESY, Hamburg)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
The surface electromagnetic waves (SEW) on plasma-like media attract special attention of researchers due to their unique properties. The SEW are widely applied in physical electronics due to its high close to light phase and group velocity leading to its uncomplicated generation by relativistic electron bunches and output from plasma. We discuss the theoretical problem of SEW amplification...
sandrine dobosz dufrénoy
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Laser-plasma acceleration (LPA) is extensively studied since many years. The compactness of these systems as well as the unique properties of the electron source make them a promising alternative to conventional accelerators. Among the different research axis, the scientific community has started to work on multiple acceleration schemes with an aim to reach higher energy, preparing for...
Sergey Kuzikov
(Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Several concepts for room-temperature RF undulators, fed by cm- or mm- wavelength radiation and aimed to produce ~1 nm wavelength radiation using relatively low energy electron beams, are considered. The preliminary analysis shows that requirements to electron beam quality and to RF power become more severe with wavelength reduction (the undulator parameter and the acceptable energy spread in...
Maria Pia Anania
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Plasma wakefield acceleration is the most promising acceleration technique known nowadays, able to provide very high accelerating fields (10–100 GVm−1), enabling acceleration of electrons to GeV energy in few centimetre. However, the quality of the electron bunches accelerated with this technique is still not comparable with that of conventional accelerators; Radiofrequency-based accelerators,...
Gaurav Pathak
(University of Hamburg)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
The proposed experiment is to set up a plasma oven in the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen Site (PITZ), beam line to study the self-modulation of electron beams when they passes through a laser generated Lithium (Li) plasma. In the experiment an oven will vaporize Li which will be ionized with a laser pulse, creating plasma with density of 〖10〗^15 〖cm〗^(-3).
To gain insight into...
Jinchuan JU
(Universite Paris-Sud 11)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Intense ultrashort laser pulse interacting with plasma expels electrons from the regions of high intensity and leaves in its wake a plasma wave. The ultrahigh longitudinal electric field associated to this plasma wave, of the order of 100 GV/m, is capable of accelerating electrons to GeV-class over only a centimeter-scale distance. Meanwhile, the accelerated electrons are transversely wiggled...
Danilo Giulietti
(PI;LNF), Ms
Giada Cantono
(Università di Pisa)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Laser-plasma accelerator techniques exploit longitudinal electric fields related to plasma waves which are excited by the laser ponderomotive force. Laser-driven plasma wave electric fields can overcome up to 5 orders of magnitude those produced by conventional RF accelerators. For an electron injected in a plasma wave to obtain high energy gain, not only intense electric fields but also wide...
Gabriele Maria Grittani
(Università di Pisa)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
In this poster we discuss the spectra of the electrons produced in the laser-plasma acceleration experiment at FLAME.
In the experiment the laser is set to propagate along the longitudinal axis of a 10mm gasjet to study the role of density gradients.
Thomson scattering optical imaging shows that a significant laser depletion takes place typically in the first 4mm.
Angular and spectral...
Yousef Salamin
(American University of Sharjah)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Results from many-particle simulations will be presented that demonstrate feasibility of generating an electron bunch of over 10-GeV energy and ultra-high quality (relative energy spread of order 10−4) by cyclotron auto-resonance. The scheme employs a static magnetic field oriented along the direction of propagation of a laser beam. Tremendous energy gain by the electron from the laser field...
Fabio Villa
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Plasma Wake Field Accelerators need electrons in a train of ps or sub-ps spaced multi-bunches (Muggli). THz sources (Shen) and pump-probe experiments (Zewail) are also interested in ps-spaced electron bunches. Main schemes used for laser multi-bunch generation involve birefringent crystals, interference of two delayed and stretched pulses or the use of a Dazzler and a 4f system with an...
Leonida Antonio Gizzi
(CNR and INFN)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
High power laser technology is now leading to the realization of new large laser infrastructures aimed at the exploration of new physical domains. Meanwhile, all-optical radiation sources based on acceleration with self-injection are also being considered as Thomson/Compton sources.
At the same time, the practical use of laser-driven sources will require the development of high-efficiency...
Kristian Boroz
(Laser Zentrum Hannover)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Miniaturization is a hot topic for the future of accelerator science. Reducing the size of accelerator devices, undulators and beam transport units could provide compact brilliant light sources.
We present how micro- and nanostructuring techniques can be combined to manufacture these components. Nanolithography enables us to fabricate planar strutures with feature sizes of about 250 nm....
Vesztergombi Gyorgy
(Wigner RCP)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
The key element in the Proton-Driven-Plasma-Wake-Field-Accelerator (AWAKE) project is the generation of highly uniform plasma from Rubidium vapor.
The standard way to achieve this aim is to use large power laser which can assure the over-barrier-ionization (OBI) along the 10 meters long active region.
The Wigner-team in Budapest is investigating an alternative way of uniform plasma...
Andreas Döpp
(Centro de Laseres Pulsados)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
We present the current state of the high power laser facilities in Salamanca, Spain, and introduce a roadmap for first experiments on laser-driven electron acceleration and related femtosecond x-ray sources (Betatron radiation, Thomson/Compton Scattering). Prospective beam energies are estimated using the particle-in-cell code CALDER-CIRC. As a supplementary experimental tool, a laboratory for...
Fatema Tanjia
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
A new theoretical approach to describe the dynamics of the relativistic charged-particle beam propagation via
the generation of wake field is provided. The wake field is derived starting from the Lagrangian of a relativistic
test charged particle. The beam dynamics is described using the appropriate Hamiltonian for the beam particle
and a quantum description is provided using a recently...
Frédéric Guillaume Desforges
(Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas, CNRS-Université Paris-Sud XI)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
Laser wakefield acceleration of electrons is a promising scheme for future high energy particle accelerators, able to provide accelerating gradients up to 100 GeV/m. One of the key issues for the use of laser plasma accelerators is the control of the parameters of the accelerated electron beam. Relativistic electron beams are commonly generated by the complex process of self-injection in the...
J. Cowley
(Atomic & Laser Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
We present progress on experiments being conducted at Oxford University on resonantly-enhanced multiple-pulse laser plasma wakefield acceleration (MP-LWFA). Our initial experiments concentrate on the use of frequency domain holography to visualise wakefields driven in helium by a single high energy pulse and then short trains of pulses generated by either appropriately chirping the single...
Francesco Massimo
(Department SBAI, Sapienza Università di Roma)
6/3/13, 7:30 PM
Wine and Poster Session
In the Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) plasma oscillations are driven by ultra relativistic electron beams. The ratio of the maximum accelerating field behind the driving beam (bunch) and the maximum decelerating field inside the driving beam (bunch) is defined as Transformer Ratio, a key parameter that determines the energy gain in particle acceleration.
We investigate the transformer...