2–7 Jun 2013
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Relativistic charged-particle beam dynamics via the generation of wake field

3 Jun 2013, 19:30
Elena (Hotel Hermitage)


Hotel Hermitage

poster Wine and Poster Session Wine and Poster Session


Fatema Tanjia (NA)


A new theoretical approach to describe the dynamics of the relativistic charged-particle beam propagation via the generation of wake field is provided. The wake field is derived starting from the Lagrangian of a relativistic test charged particle. The beam dynamics is described using the appropriate Hamiltonian for the beam particle and a quantum description is provided using a recently developed theory. The eective Hamiltonian shows a new additional slow response eect to the longitudinal dynamics due to the relativistic propagation of the beam in a longer time scale. Using such approach, further study of the eects of both the transverse (focusing/defocusing) and the longitudinal (acceleration/deceleration) components of the wake field in the self-consistent PWF excitation is proposed.

Primary author

Fatema Tanjia (NA)


Prof. Dusan Jovanovic (Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia) Prof. Renato Fedele (NA) Dr Sergio De Nicola (University of Napoli and CNR)

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