2:05 PM
Radiative pi-gamma transitions of excited light-quark mesons in the covariant oscillator quark model
Tomohito MAEDA
(Nihon University)
2:05 PM
Dispersion theory methods for transition form factors: from $\omega/\phi\to\pi^0\gamma^*$ to $e^+e^-\to\pi^0\gamma$
Sebastian P. Schneider
(HISKP Uni Bonn)
2:05 PM
Impact of gammaV-vertex corrections on the VPgamma transition form factors
Sergii Raspopov
2:05 PM
Study of the process e+e- --> K+K-\pi+\pi- with the CMD-3 detector at VEPP-2000
Gennady Fedotovich
2:05 PM
On the spin correlations of muons and tau leptons generated in the annihilation processes e+e- ->mu+ mu-, e+e- ->tau+ tau-
Valery Lyuboshitz
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
2:05 PM
Comparative study of the production of scalar and tensor mesons in e+e- collisions
Alexey Kiselev
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
2:05 PM
Status of the hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon g-2
Andreas Nyffeler
2:05 PM
Spin correlations of the final leptons in the two-photon processes gamma gamma -> e+e-, mu+mu-, tau+ tau-
Valery Lyuboshitz
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
2:05 PM
Weak radiative pion vertex in tau^- -> pi- l+l- nu tau decay
Pablo Roig Garces
(IF (UNAM, Mexico))
2:05 PM
Precision measurement of the charged Ke4(+-) decay (K+- to pi+ pi- e+- nu) and study of the charged Ke4(00) decay (K+- to pi0 pi0 e+- nu)
Mauro Raggi
2:05 PM
Combined analysis of BES and KEDR data on psi(3770)
Andrey Shamov
(Budker INP)
2:05 PM
Study of \psi(2s)->\mu^+\mu^- decay with KEDR detector
Andrey Sukharev
(Budker INP)
2:05 PM
Analytic continuation of nucleon form factors in the time-like region.
Simone Moretti
2:05 PM
The Measurement of the P BarP cross section with CMD-3 Detector at VEPP-2000
Aleksandr Popov
(Budker Institute Of Nuclear Physics (BINP))
2:05 PM
Determination of the magnetic dipole moment of the rho meson
Genaro Toledo Sanchez