Maurice Benayoun
(LPNHE des Universites Paris 6 et 7)
9/11/13, 10:50 AM
The HLS model supplemented with suitable SU(2)/SU(3) breaking schemes
allows to build a phenomenological model which encompasses six e+e-
annihilation channels (pi+ pi-, K+ K-, K0 K0bar, pi0
gamma, eta gamma, pi+ pi-pi0),
the dipion spectrum in the tau decay and a few more meson annihilation
partial width information. One thus yields a simultaneous
description of all these physics...
Matthias Steinhauser
9/11/13, 11:10 AM
The anomalous magnetic moments of the electron and muon have been
measured to high accuracy. On the theory-side they are predicted
including quantum corrections up to five loops. Whereas three-loop
corrections are known analytically the four- and five-loop terms are
only available in numerical form. In this talk first analytic
four-loop results are presented. As a byproduct the...
Maarten Golterman
(San Francisco State University)
9/11/13, 11:30 AM
In this talk, I will discuss the status of lattice computations of the
leading hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment.
The focus will be on methods that can help making the lattice
determination competitive with the value obtained from the e+e- cross
Dominik Stöckinger
(TU Dresden)
9/11/13, 11:50 AM