Bachir Moussallam
(IPN, Universite Paris-Sud)
9/9/13, 4:15 PM
We discuss how to generalize the classic results on photon-photon
scattering which combine dispersion theoretical constraints with
chiral symmetry and soft photon theorems to the photon-photon*(q^2)
scattering amplitude into a pion pair. This generalisation requires a
specific treatment of resonance exchange diagrams. The constructed
amplitude displays explicitly the dependence on pi-pi...
Martin Hoferichter
(University of Bern)
9/9/13, 4:35 PM
We present a formalism for the scattering of two photons into a pion pair
based on dispersion relations in combination with unitarity, chiral symmetry, and soft-photon constraints.
In particular, we discuss the complications that arise due to the analyticity properties of the amplitude
if both photons are off-shell, and argue that the dispersive framework can be extended to remain valid...
Andrey Radzhabov
(The Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences)
9/9/13, 4:55 PM
The light-by-light contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon is calculated in the framework of the nonlocal chiral quark model. The contributions from pseudoscalar and scalar resonances and nonresonance contact terms are included. Full kinematic dependence of vertices with off-shell photons and mesons in intermediate states in the light-by-light scattering amplitude is taken into...