Simon Eidelman
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
9/12/13, 11:30 AM
Kim Maltman
(York University)
9/12/13, 12:10 PM
The determination of V_us via finite energy sum rule analyses of flavor-breaking combinations of non-strange and strange hadronic tau decay data yields values of V_us ~3 sigma below both expectations based on 3-family unitarity and results obtained from analyses of Gamma[K_{ell 3}] and Gamma[K_{mu 2}]/Gamma[pi_{mu 2}]. A key issue in understanding whether this low value represents new physics...
Diogo Boito
(Technische Universität München)
9/12/13, 12:30 PM
We will discuss recent developments in the QCD description of hadronic
tau decays with emphasis in the perturbative contribution. Various
moments of the hadronic spectral functions have been employed in the
determination of the strong coupling alpha_s from tau decays. We will
analyse the behaviour of their perturbative series under different
assumptions for the large-order corrections and...
Santiago Peris
(Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona)
9/12/13, 12:50 PM
We present an analysis of the isospin-one V-A correlator based on our successful description of the OPAL V and A non-strange spectral data. We discuss the values obtained for the ChPT low-energy constants L_10 and C_87 as well as the dimension-six and eight condensates and compare them with those in the existing literature.