Simone Moretti
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
Using the Skyrme model for nucleons we test the possibility of determining nucleon form factors in the time-like region by an analytic continuation of space-like form factors with particular attention to the behavior at the nucleon-antinucleon production threshold.
Andrey Shamov
(Budker INP)
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
The available data on the D-D-bar cross section and the inclusive hadronic cross section in the psi(3770) region by BABAR, BELLE, BES, CLEO and KEDR experiments were analyzed assuming that the systematic uncertainties in cross sections measured by different detectors are not correlated. The three theoretical models were employed for the data analysis. The first model implies that the D-D-bar...
Alexey Kiselev
(Sobolev Institute for Mathematics)
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
The intensity of scalar $a_0(980)$, $f_0(980)$ and tensor
$a_2(1320)$, $f_2(1270)$ mesons production at VEPP-2000 (BINP,
Novosibirsk) and, possibly, the upgraded DA$\Phi$NE (Frascati, Italy) in the
processes $e^+e^- \to a_0 (f_0$, $a_2$, $f_2) \gamma$ is
calculated with the help of VDM and the
kaon loop model (for scalar mesons case).
The processes $e^+e^-\to a_2(f_2)\gamma$ have not...
Genaro Toledo Sanchez
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
We determine the magnetic dipole moment of the rho meson using preliminary data from the BaBar Collaboration for the $e^{+} e^{-} \to \pi^+ \pi^- 2 \pi^0$ process, in the center of mass energy range from 0.9 to 2.2 GeV. We describe the $\gamma^* \to 4\pi$ vertex using a vector meson dominance model, including all intermediate resonance contributions. We find that ${\mu}_\rho = 2.1 \pm 0.5 \:...
Sebastian P. Schneider
(HISKP Uni Bonn)
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
Dispersion theoretical analyses of transition form factors are stepping stones to a model-independent determination of the light-by-light scattering contribution to $(g-2)_\mu$. We have performed such an analysis on the conversion decays of the lightest isoscalar vector
mesons, $\omega/\phi\to\pi^0\ell^+\ell^-$. For that we resort to a dispersive analysis of the $V\to3\pi$ partial-wave...
Sergii Raspopov
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
Valery Lyuboshitz
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
Using the technique of helicity amplitudes, the electromagnetic process e+e- --> mu+mu- is theoretically investigated in the onephoton approximation. The structure of the triplet
states of the final mu+mu- system is analyzed. It is shown that in the case of unpolarized electron and positron the final muons are also unpolarized, but their spins are strongly correlated. Explicit expressions for...
Tomohito MAEDA
(Nihon University)
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
The COMPASS collaboration, as a part of their hadron spectroscopy program, will measure the radiative decay widths of the light-quark mesons via the Primakoff reactions. In this work we study the photon couplings of light qqbar states applying the covariant oscillator quark model and evaluate the rates for the transitions; {rho, b1(1235), a1(1260), a2(1320),
pi2(1670), rho3(1690), rho(1700)}...
Valery Lyuboshitz
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ( Dubna ))
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
The spin structure of the two-photon process gamma gamma --> e+ e- is theoretically investigated. It is shown that if the primary photons are unpolarized the final electron and
positron are unpolarized as well but their spins are strongly correlated. Explicit expressions for the components of the correlation tensor of the final e+e- system are derived
and the relative fractions of singlet...
Andrey Sukharev
(Budker INP)
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
Since 2004 KEDR detector at VEPP-4M collider has taken several data sets in psi(2s) region, acquiring total luminosity of about 7 pb^{-1}, which corresponds to
more than 3.5 \times 10^6 psi(2s).
There were 5 scans of the resonance allowing us to know the collider's energy spread and 5 runs where the data was taken at the psi(2s) peak and slightly below it.
We report the value...
Gennady Fedotovich
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
Aleksandr Popov
(Budker Institute Of Nuclear Physics (BINP))
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
The preliminary results of the e+e->P bapP cross section with CMD-3 detector at electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 in the c.m. energy range 1.92 - 2.0 GeV will be presented. Analysis based on 4.5 inversed picobarns of integrated luminosity, collected in first physical run of new facility. The events selection procedure based on the information from Drift Chamber and Calorimeters allowed...
Pablo Roig Garces
(IF (UNAM, Mexico))
9/10/13, 2:05 PM
We carry out a detailed study of the branching fractions and lepton pair invariant-mass spectrum of \tau^- ->\pi^- \nu_\tau l^+l^- decays (l=e,\mu). In addition to the model-independent (QED) contributions, we include the structure-dependent (SD) terms, which encode information on the hadronization of QCD currents. The form factors describing the SD contributions are evaluated by supplementing...