IX Seminar on Software for Nuclear, Subnuclear and Applied Physics. Technology Transfer Workshop

Porto Conte Alghero

Porto Conte Alghero

Località Porto Conte
The Seminar offers lectures to PHD students, Postdoctoral scholars and young researchers working at Universities or Research Institutes. The Seminar is organized in didactical units on software developed and used in fundamental and applied physics, theoretical and experimental. The subjects include: simulation of interaction of particle through matter:GEANT4 and Fluka; plasma acceleration; high brightness electron beams; ion beam transport; medical application of ion beams. In the Technology Transfer Workshop students will participate in hands-on training sessions, meeting experts of selected technology and discussing with them about industrial application of nuclear and particle physics and spin-off creation.
Geant4 Course instructions
Hotel Registration Form
Seminar Poster
    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Geant4 - Theoretical and practical session 2h
      CODE DOWNLOAD: Download the exercises code (tasks) here: http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/code/taskX.tar where X are the different tasks 1-5. EXERCISE INSTRUCTIONS: look at the exercise instructions here:http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/exercises/introduction/index.html
      Speakers: Francesco Romano (LNS), Giuseppe Cirrone (LNS)
    • 11:00 AM 1:00 PM
      High Brightness beams production for advanced accelerator applications 2h
      Light sources based on high gain free electron lasers or future high energy linear colliders require the production, acceleration and transport up to the interaction point of low emittance, high charge density electron bunches. Many effects contribute in general to the degradation of the final beam quality, including chromatic effects, wake fields, emission of coherent radiation, accelerator misalignments. Space charge effects and mismatch with the focusing and accelerating devices typically contribute to emittance degradation of high charge density beams, hence the control of beam transport and acceleration is the leading edge for high quality beam production. In this lecture we introduce from basic principles the main concepts of beam focusing and transport in modern accelerators using the beam envelope equation as a convenient mathematical tool. Matching conditions suitable to preserve the beam quality are derived from the model for significant beam dynamics regimes. An extension of the model to the plasma accelerator case is also introduced.
      Speaker: Luca Serafini (MI)
    • 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Advanced Radiation Sources 2h
      Speaker: Luca Serafini (MI)
    • 6:00 PM 8:00 PM
      Geant4 - Theoretical and practical session 2h
      CODE DOWNLOAD: Download the exercises code (tasks) here: http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/code/taskX.tar where X are the different tasks 1-5. EXERCISE INSTRUCTIONS: look at the exercise instructions here:http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/exercises/introduction/index.html
      Speakers: Francesco Romano (LNS), Giuseppe Cirrone (LNS)
    • 9:30 AM 11:00 AM
      Development of an innovative 2D monolithic silicon dosimeter 1h 30m
      Speaker: Cinzia Talamonti (FI)
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      Geant4 - Theoretical and practical session 4h
      CODE DOWNLOAD: Download the exercises code (tasks) here: http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/code/taskX.tar where X are the different tasks 1-5. EXERCISE INSTRUCTIONS: look at the exercise instructions here:http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/exercises/introduction/index.html
      Speakers: Francesco Romano (LNS), Giuseppe Cirrone (LNS)
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Technological transfer at INFN 1h 30m
      Speaker: Andrea Vacchi (TS)
    • 10:30 AM 12:00 PM
      Technology transfer: Simulations and web apps on the cloud with I-SEE 1h 30m
      Speaker: Felix Masmilian (University and INFN of Turin)
    • 12:00 PM 12:30 PM
      INNOVA.RE project 30m
      Speaker: Dr Francesco Meloni (University of Sassari)
    • 2:30 PM 5:30 PM
      Geant4 - Theoretical and practical session 3h
      CODE DOWNLOAD: Download the exercises code (tasks) here: http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/code/taskX.tar where X are the different tasks 1-5. EXERCISE INSTRUCTIONS: look at the exercise instructions here:http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/exercises/introduction/index.html
      Speakers: Francesco Romano (LNS), Giuseppe Cirrone (LNS)
    • 5:30 PM 10:30 PM
      Social Event 5h
    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Some strategies for modeling magnetically confined plasmas 2h
      Plasma modeling is a very challenging task, since electrons and ions typically exhibit collective behaviors due to long-range Coulomb interaction. Several simulation strategies exist, each one able to highlight some specific features of the plasma: e.g. magnetic confinement mechanisms, electron-wave interaction, etc. The possible approaches span from pure Monte-Carlo methods, including interparticle collisions, to ray tracing calculations, in order to model the propagation, scattering and absorption of electromagnetic waves. A general overview of plasma physics, along with the description of the most common simulation approaches, will be given during the seminar. The last part of the lecture will be specifically dedicated to self-consistency in plasma modeling, that is especially required when simulating spontaneous or induced formation of plasma waves, non-linearities, turbulence.
      Speaker: Dr David Mascali (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud)
    • 11:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Laser Plasma Acceleration and ELI-Beamlines Activity 2h
      Speaker: Tadzio Levato (the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences - Prague)
    • 4:00 PM 8:00 PM
      Geant4 - Theoretical and practical session 4h
      CODE DOWNLOAD: Download the exercises code (tasks) here: http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/code/taskX.tar where X are the different tasks 1-5. EXERCISE INSTRUCTIONS: look at the exercise instructions here:http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/AlgheroSeminar2012/exercises/introduction/index.html
      Speakers: Francesco Romano (LNS), Giuseppe Cirrone (LNS)