Jun 18 – 21, 2012
Lecce - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
6th International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics - Theory and Experiment


The proceedings of the workshop (invited talks, contributed talks and posters) will be published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) as a volume of the Conference Proceedings Series.

The deadline for receiving the written contributions is August 30th, 2012.
Due to conditions in the contract with AIP we strongly recommend the authors to respect this deadline.

The length is fixed to a maximum of
- 7 pages for 30 minutes talks
- 5 pages for the other talks
- 4 pages for posters

The instruction booklet for authors as well as Microsoft Word templates and LaTeX macros are available at the AIP web site


They should be downloaded and used by the authors to prepare their papers in the AIP format. Only papers written according to the appropriate macro are acceptable. Please be sure to select all templates and instructions for the correct format, which should be the 6 x 9 inch format.

The website also contains electronic files of the

- Transfer of Copyright form
- Permission Request Form

Each paper must be submitted together with a signed Transfer of Copyright form as well as all necessary permissions (if it is the case) for material taken from other sources.

Please send your manuscript by e.mail (with "QCD@Work 2012 Proceedings" in the Subject) to


together with the (signed and scanned) Transfer of Copyright form and (if it is the case) the Permission Request form. The papers will be peer reviewed.

The proceedings have been published in the volume
AIP Conf.Proc. 1492 (2012) pp.1-339