September 29, 2025 to October 3, 2025
Palazzo del Bo and Centro Culturale San Gaetano
Europe/Rome timezone

The Neutrino Telescopes Workshop takes place every two years and has a long tradition dating back to 1988.

Discountinuing a 36-year tradition, the XXI edition of the Workshop will be held in Padova, not in Venice.

Among many other attractions, Padova hosts two Unesco World Heritage sites: the Botanical Garden and the fourteenth-century fresco cycles: Padova Urbs Picta.


The topics that will be discussed will cover the following topics:

Neutrino Properties
Neutrinos Telescopes and Multi-Messenger
Neutrinos Theory and Cosmology
Data Science and Detector R&D

The Workshop is structured in Plenary and Parallel Sessions and a Poster Session is also scheduled.

Talks in Plenary Sessions are reserved for invited speakers only.

Contributed Talks and Posters will be selected by the Local Organizing Committee. Proposals should be submitted through the "Call for Abstracts".

All talks and posters will be included in the Workshop proceedings which will be published under the Zenodo platform.

The XXI International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes is organized by  INFN Sezione di Padova and by the Physics and Astronomy Department of Padova University, under the patronage of University of Padova.




Palazzo del Bo and Centro Culturale San Gaetano
Aula Magna

for scientific information: