Sep 9 – 12, 2025
Fiera di Primiero
Europe/Rome timezone

Cosmology has become, in the last 40 years, the main engine to discover how nature works. From the discovery that neutrinos were massive, to the need of dark matter, the discovery of the primordial fluctuation in the CMB to end the past millennium with the discovery of dark energy and the accelerating Universe. The past two decades has seen an even deeper and faster advance with the discovery of gravitational waves, which has opened the window to prove the fundamental laws of nature at the deepest level. The present conference aims at charting the path to advance even farther and devise a strategy to answer the many open questions: what is the dark matter, what is dark energy, is the Universe quantum in nature, what was the origin, how does the Universe evolve, is the Hubble tension a window to new physics. How do we handle the information from the future cosmology surveys that will extract almost all information from the sky?

Invited international speakers are (with indicative titles):

Viviana Acquaviva (From the cosmos to modeling the complexity of weather)
Marica Branchesi (Gravitational waves)   
Dick Bond (What cosmology has told us about Nature)
George Ellis (General Relativity and beyond)
Erminia Calabrese (The future of the CMB)
Alan Heavens (Inference from cosmology)
Marc Kamionkowski (Cosmology and its future)
Rocky  Kolb (The early Universe)
Misao Sasaki (The Theoretical Universe)
Raffaella Schneider (The early dark ages)
David Spergel (Complex Phenomena in the Cosmos and beyond)
Nicola Vittorio (Cosmology in Italy)
Licia Verde (Large Scale Structure, non-gaussianities and cosmology)
Ben Wandelt (Machine learning in cosmology)
Fiera di Primiero
Palazzo delle Miniere
Piazzetta del Dazio, 2 38054 Fiera di Primiero Primiero San Martino di Castrozza TN
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