9–12 Sept 2025
Fiera di Primiero
Europe/Rome timezone

How to reach the venue

Fiera can be reached by Atesina bus from Feltre (Bus stops just in front of Feltre railways station). Travel takes approximately 60 minutes. The complete schedule of the buses can be found clicking here . The ticket for the bus can be bought at Atesina Office in the train station hall.

Feltre can be reached via Padova, via Venezia-Mestre or Trento.  

If you go via Padova you first reach Padova train station by bus from Venice airport.  
There is a bus (SITA lines), approx. 60 minutes. Schedule can be found  here. Ticket can be bought at the bus stop, outside the airport arrival hall. Price: 9,40 euro (10,00 euro on board).  

From Padova (train station) to Feltre:
There is a railway line from Padova Station. Schedule  can be found  here. Train ticket can be bought at the train station or via the railway website (www.trenitalia.com).

If you go via Venezia-Mestre your first reach Venezia-Mestre train station by bus.
There is a bus (ATVO lines), approx. 20 minutes. Schedule can be found  here. Ticket can be bought at the ATVO Office in the airport arrival hall.

From Venezia-Mestre (train station) to Feltre:
There is a railway line from Venezia-Mestre. Schedule can be found  here. Train ticket can be bought at the station.

From Trento, the shortest way is to take a train from Trento railway station to Borgo Valsugana, then a Bus from Borgo Valsugana to Feltre, then again a bus from Feltre to Fiera di Primiero. Travel time is about 2h40' and seasonal schedule can be found here

If you want to benefit the coach travel to/from the venue on the 8th of September and on the 12th of September, you have to register in the dedicated section of this site named "Registration".