Nov 18 – 19, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

We are pleased to announce the sixth Pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA physics campaign at LNL. It will take place on November 18th -19th, 2024 at the Legnaro National Laboratories and is planned to be held in person, with an option of on-line participation.

The forthcoming LNL PAC meeting is planned for January 2025 and will evaluate experiments to be performed in the first half of 2025. During this period, only beams from the TANDEM accelerator will be available at LNL, and AGATA is expected to consist of a minimum of 15 triple clusters (1p solid angle coverage).

The aim of the Pre-PAC Workshop is to assist the spokespersons in putting the strongest cases for their proposals forward through a discussion of the physics to be investigated, and to assess the feasibility of the proposed experiments. This includes all experiments planning to use stable beams from the TANDEM accelerator and unstable beams produced in the EXOTIC facility ( for studies involving AGATA in a possible combination with PRISMA and/or ancillary detectors that are compatible with PRISMA. Any new projects will have to be presented at this workshop before being submitted to the LNL PAC. In most cases, we will not expect presentations of the projects that have already been discussed at the previous Pre-PAC Workshops. If, however, a new project shows a considerable overlap with a previously discussed project of a different group, both parties will be informed and encouraged to participate in the upcoming Workshop.

You are welcome to submit Letters of Intent (LoIs) for AGATA in configuration with PRISMA and TANDEM beams, as well as LoIs for the EXOTIC facility, via the link: with a deadline of November 8th, 2024. They are expected to include, in a pdf file, a title, short abstract with a description of the physics case and the experimental setup, information on beam (energy, intensity), target(s), and the justified request of beam time.

The information about the duration of the talks will be given in the Second Circular.

The deadline for registration is November 11th, 2024.

We warmly recommend the LoI spokespersons to contact as soon as possible the experts of the complementary equipment they intend to use. These contact persons are:

  • PRISMA : L. Corradi, F. Galtarossa
  • SAURON : M. Balogh, E. Pilotto
  • GAL-TRACE : S. Capra
  • EUCLIDES:  J. Pellumaj, D. Brugnara
  • SPIDER: N. Marchini, M. Balogh
  • DANTE: K. Rezynkina, S. Pigliapoco
  • Gamma-ray scintillators: S. Pigliapoco, A. Giaz
  • Plunger: M. Polettini, F. Angelini
  • EXOTIC : S. Pigliapoco, M. Mazzocco