18–19 Nov 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Travel information



The nearest airport is the Marco Polo Airport in Venezia (Venice), 40 kilometres east of Padova (Padua); it is the third most important airport in Italy, and conveniently linked with all major European airports. Other airports near Padova are in Treviso, (Antonio Canova Airport: see instructions below), Verona and Bologna, but the transfer from one of these to Padova is more difficult than from Venezia. (see instructions below)

Coming from overseas, look for a connecting flight reaching Venezia from Roma (Rome) or some other convenient European airport, like e.g. London Heathrow, Frankfurt am Main or Paris Charles De Gaulle. On the contrary, avoid flying to Milano (Milan): from Milano, you have a bus ride of about 1 hour after the customs in order to reach the railway station, and then a 2 or 3 hours ride by train to Padova.

To reach Legnaro you can choose to catch a couple of buses (option 1) or a private shuttle (option 2):

- OPTION 1: From the Marco Polo Airport there are frequent bus connectionsFSBUSITALIA- (every 40 minutes from 5:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.) to Padova Bus station. One way ticket costs about 10,00€.  Timetable and details are available here: Venezia Marco Polo-Padova The travel time is 45 minutes.



From Padova Bus Station other FBUSITALIA buses connect to Legnaro (other details in the “BY BUS FROM PADOVA to LEGNARO” : section here below).

If you fly to Treviso- Canova Airport , consult the website: MOM, to check buses from Treviso to Padova (linea 101).

-OPTION 2: Private shuttle connections from Venice Airport directly to Padua and/or to Legnaro are served by:

AIRSERVICE: Ph. +39-049-8704425; fax +39-049-8705050; airservice@taxipadova.it
LANDOMAS SERVICE: Ph. +39-049-8808505; landomas@landomas.it
Noltlimo;  Ph. +39 049 2023426; info@noltlimo.com

We strongly reccomend to make your reservation at least 48 hours before your arrival/departure.


Padova is at the crossroad of the Venezia-Milano and Venezia-Roma railways: many trains are available. The ride lasts 30 minutes from Venice, 2 to 3 hours from Milano and 4 to 6 hours from Rome according to the kind of train selected. See Trenitalia or Italo.

-From Padova Railway Station you have then to reach Padova Bus Station (Autostazione) for catching a bus to Legnaro (details in the “BY BUS FROM PADOVA to LEGNARO: section here below). Please note that the railway station and the bus station (Autostazione) are really at walking distance (the bus station "Autostazione" is on the left leaving the railway station).



There is a regular bus service from Padova to Legnaro (FSBusItalia). The bus station is just outside the railway station (leaving the railway station, turn on the left). The buses leave every 20 minutes and arrive just in front of the laboratories (bus stop upon request).

The bus takes about 25 minutes to reach Legnaro. You can check the timetable at this portal (From: PADOVA AUTOSTAZIONE to: INFN LEGNARO).

Tickets can be bought at the BUSITALIA ticket office at the station (see map above) or via app Busitalia Veneto.

Please note that all bus stops are on request.




Padova can be reached by car on the A4 Milano-Venezia Motorway or on the A13 Bologna-Padova Motorway, exit “Padova Est” (direction: Legnaro-Chioggia-Piove di Sacco).
ATTENTION: in Padua city centre there is a ZTL zone, an area in which car traffic is restricted. From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. no car traffic can enter the central streets, unless the car has a special permit allowing it. Special signs indicate the ZTL zone.



To get a taxi in Padova call ph. +39 049 651 333, http://www.taxipadova.it/