WISPs in String Cosmology

Sala IR-1A (Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi")

Sala IR-1A

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Via Irnerio, 46 40126, Bologna, Italy
Francisco Pedro, Luca Brunelli, Matteo Licheri, Michele Cicoli, Osmin Lacombe, Pellegrino Piantadosi

WISPs in String Cosmology


WISPs are a ubiquitous feature of string compactifications. Moduli, axion-like particles, hidden photons and dark sector particles are just some of the most common WISPs arising in general in the low-energy limit of string theory.  The aim of this workshop is to investigate their role in string cosmology.


This workshop is supported by the COSMIC WISPers COST Action CA21106. The aim of this Action is to study very weakly interacting slim particles (WISPs) from different perspectives: theory, indirect observational consequences in astrophysics, searches at colliders and direct detection in laboratories.


A list of suggested hotels with special rates can be found here. When booking, please specify "convenzione INFN".

Invited speakers 

Fien Apers

Federico Carta: "Exploring the fuzzy axiverse"

Giuseppe Dibitetto

Jacob Leedom: "From Spins to Strings"

Susha Parameswaran: "Quantum gravity meets cosmological observations at the hilltop"

Margherita Putti

Mario Ramos-Hamud: "Back to the origins of brane-antibrane inflation"

Filippo Revello: "Asymptotic Cosmology and the Distance Conjecture"

Nicole Righi: “Preheating axions in string cosmology”

Joao Rosa: "Primordial black holes in the string axiverse"

Andreas Schachner: “Optimisation in the String Axiverse”

Simon Schreyer: "KPV at higher order in alpha’"

Flavio Tonioni: "Hubble friction and string cosmology"

Gonzalo Villa: "Gravitational Waves from High Temperature Strings"




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  • Wednesday, 23 October
    • 09:20
      Welcome and Opening Remarks Sala IR-1A

      Sala IR-1A

      Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

      Via Irnerio, 46 40126, Bologna, Italy
    • 1
      Flavio Tonioni: "Hubble friction and string cosmology" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 2
      Susha Parameswaran: "Quantum gravity meets cosmological observations at the hilltop" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 10:30
      Coffee Break Room: IR-2A, second floor

      Room: IR-2A, second floor

    • 3
      Andreas Schachner: “Optimisation in the String Axiverse” Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 4
      Federico Carta: "Exploring the fuzzy axiverse" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 5
      Joao Rosa: "Primordial black holes in the string axiverse" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 12:30
      Lunch Break Sala IR-1A

      Sala IR-1A

      Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

      Via Irnerio, 46 40126, Bologna, Italy
    • 6
      Mario Ramos-Hamud: "Back to the origins of brane-antibrane inflation" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 7
      Gonzalo Villa: "Gravitational Waves from High Temperature Strings" Sala IR-1A

      Sala IR-1A

      Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

      Via Irnerio, 46 40126, Bologna, Italy
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break Room: IR-2A, second floor

      Room: IR-2A, second floor

    • 8
      Discussion Session Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 20:00
      Workshop Dinner
  • Thursday, 24 October
    • 9
      Filippo Revello: "Asymptotic Cosmology and the Distance Conjecture" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 10
      Fien Apers Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 10:30
      Coffee Break Room: IR-2A, second floor

      Room: IR-2A, second floor

    • 11
      Simon Schreyer: "KPV at higher order in alpha’" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 12
      Nicole Righi: “Preheating axions in string cosmology” Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 13
      Margherita Putti Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • 14
      Jacob Leedom: "From Spins to Strings" Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 15
      Giuseppe Dibitetto Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor

    • 15:30
      Coffee Break Room: IR-2A, second floor

      Room: IR-2A, second floor

    • 16
      Discussion Session Room: IR-1A, first floor

      Room: IR-1A, first floor