29–31 Oct 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Quantum simulation of strongly-correlated vortex phases with atoms in optical lattices

30 Oct 2024, 16:45
Sala Elettra (Palazzo della Salute)

Sala Elettra

Palazzo della Salute

Via San Francesco, 90 - Padova


Marco Fedele Di Liberto (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


We show that a viable route to generate strongly-interacting chiral phases can exploit the interplay between onsite interactions and flux frustration for bosons in dimerized lattices with pi-flux. By constructing an effective theory, we demonstrate how this setting favours the spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry. This can lead to the realization of the long-sought chiral Mott insulator phases, a phase characterized by a vortex array, which we study via DMRG and variational calculations. Furthermore, dynamical properties like the chiral motion of impurities is identified via spectroscopy and quenches. Protocols to perform state preparation and current measurements will also be discussed.

Sessione Simulazione

Primary author

Marco Fedele Di Liberto (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials