The second quantum computing workshop @ INFN will be held in Padova on 29-31 October 2024.
Quantum computing potentially offers a paradigm shift for issues of interest to INFN, in areas ranging from quantum machine learning to event reconstruction and simulation for experiments, theoretical physics, and many others.
The Quantum Computing @INFN workshop represents an opportunity for the community to come together and receive training, with the objectives of presenting ongoing activities, fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and attracting researchers and technologists who wish to acquire or enhance their skills.
The conference fee is 100 euro for PhD students and post-docs, 150 euro for other participants.
For INFN staff and associates, the fee will be payed exclusively by INFN internal transfer ("storno tra Unità Operative").
Palazzo della salute, Via San Francesco 90, 35121, Padova PD
Scientific Committee
Daniele Bonacorsi, Università di Bologna and INFN Bologna
Valter Bonvicini, INFN Trieste
Concezio Bozzi, INFN Ferrara
Elisa Ercolessi, Università di Bologna and INFN Bologna
Claudio Gatti, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Andrea Giachero, Università di Milano-Bicocca e INFN MIlano-Bicocca
Stefano Giagu, Sapienza Università di Roma e INFN Roma1
Simone Montangero, Università di Padova e INFN Padova
Francesco Pederiva, Università di Trento e INFN TIFPA
Organizing Committee
Ilaria Siloi, Università di Padova and INFN Padova
Rossana Chiaratti, INFN Padova
Concezio Bozzi, INFN Ferrara
Giuseppe Calajo, Università di Padova and INFN Padova
Elena Colombo, INFN Padova
Andrea Giachero, Università di Milano-Bicocca e INFN MIlano-Bicocca
Silvana Schiavo,Università di Padova
Simone Montangero, Università di Padova e INFN Padova