11–13 Apr 2012
Europe/Rome timezone

Measurements of associated production of vector bosons and heavy flavours with the CMS detector

11 Apr 2012, 19:00
Chiostro (Ferrara)



Rettorato dell'Università di Ferrara Via Savonarola 9
Poster Fisica del Modello Standard e oltre Sessione poster


Stefano Casasso (Torino)


Thanks to its excellent lepton reconstruction and secondary vertex identification, the CMS detector gives a unique possibility to study processes involving the production of a vector boson in association with heavy quarks. These kind of final states are background to many channels of new physics, as well as Standard Model Higgs searches. Moreover, theoretical predictions about these processes have different approaches and large uncertainties making a test of these predictions even more important. Here different measurements related to this topic are presented, based on the data collected in 2010 and 2011 runs by the CMS detector, namely the inclusive production of Z+b(b), W+c inclusive production and Z + secondary vertices.

Primary author

Stefano Casasso (Torino)

Presentation materials

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