Afternoon 4: Session 4
- Michael Tobar
The isotropic birefringence (all-sky rotation of linear polarization) of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sourced by axion-like particle (ALP) dark matter is predicted to contain distinct signals from oscillating ultra-light axions at recombination as well as from local dark matter. Using Planck upper limits while incorporating allowed axion fractions of dark matter, we find strong...
The axion haloscope is a highly sensitive detector that converts axions into photons within a resonant cavity immersed in a strong magnetic field. The experiment's sensitivity is significantly influenced by the cavity's characteristics, including volume, form factor, physical temperature, and the Q-factor. A higher Q-factor extends the duration of axion signals within the cavity, expediting...
In the standard lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model of cosmology, the distribution of matter and energy in the Universe is as follows: 5% is represented by ordinary matter, 26.8% by dark matter, and 68.2% by dark energy. However, the nature of dark matter and dark energy is not yet known. In the context of particle physics, dark matter may consist of one or several new particles, which are...
IBS-CAPP has established a state-of-the-art axion detector facility in Korea, equipped with multiple dilution refrigerator systems. Currently, four axion detectors operate simultaneously on low-vibration pads. The flagship experiment, CAPP-MAX, utilizes a 12 Tesla Nb3Sn superconducting magnet with a 32 cm bore and a 36-liter ultra-light cavity, enhanced by quantum noise-limited amplifiers....
Liquid xenon time projection chambers are nowadays recognized as one of the most sensitive technologies for dark matter direct detection. The ultimate goal of these experiments is to explore the allowed parameter space for nuclear recoils down to the neutrino fog before coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering begins to dominate the detector signals. Achieving this objective necessitates...
We present the status and plans of The Oscillating Resonant Group AxioN (ORGAN) Experiment Collaboration, which develops microwave cavity axion haloscopes. ORGAN is a collaboration of various Australian universities, with the main experiment hosted at The University of Western Australia.
The ORGAN Experiment is a high mass haloscope (~60-200 micro-eV) broken down into various phases, having...
The electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) is a sensitive probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model that can also provide indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter. We propose a novel experimental method to measure the eEDM using polar molecules (BaF) embedded in a cryogenic matrix of parahydrogen. By exploiting the large internal molecular field available in BaF...