20–25 May 2012
Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Conference Programme now available!

A diynamical model for halo nuclei and two-nucleon transfer reaction

22 May 2012, 10:10
Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy

Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy

Via Martiri D'Ungheria, 24 35031 Abano Terme (Padova) ph. +39.049.8615111 Fax +39.049.8615199
Oral Nuclear structure far from stability Nuclear Structure far from Stability


Enrico Vigezzi (INFN Milano, Italy)


The peculiar properties of the halo nuclei 11Li and 12Be can be successfully interpreted in the framework of a dynamical model based on the interweaving of single-particle levels with the collective vibrations of the system, leading to a substantial admixture of phonons in the ground state. This interweaving induces an attractive interaction between the two-halo neutrons that in the model is crucial to reproduce quantitatively the position of the single-particle levels and the two-neutron separation energy. A recent two-neutron transfer experiment, performed with a beam of 11Li and populating both the ground and the first excited state of 9Li showed evidence for the quadrupole mixing in the ground state wave function. A second-order DWBA calculation based on our microscopic wavefunction for 11Li is able to reproduce both the angular distribution and the absolute value of the cross section.

Primary author

Enrico Vigezzi (INFN Milano, Italy)

Presentation materials