20–25 May 2012
Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Conference Programme now available!

Recent results using VAMOS spectrometer

21 May 2012, 10:00
Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy

Centro Congressi delle Venezie, Hotel Alexander Palace - Abano Terme (Padova) - Italy

Via Martiri D'Ungheria, 24 35031 Abano Terme (Padova) ph. +39.049.8615111 Fax +39.049.8615199
Oral Nuclear structure far from stability Nuclear Structure far from Stability


Maurycy Rejmund (GANIL, Caen Cedex, France)


In addition to new facilities producing more intense radioactive ion beams, the resurgence of “classical” techniques using stable beams with state of art detection systems offer hope towards uncovering new signatures of both single particle and collective motion. Transfer and fission reactions are two such processes that facilitate studies of the evolution of nuclear structure as a function of isospin. In this talk recent work done at GANIL exploiting such “old” reactions and selective “new” tools will be presented. Spectroscopy of neutron rich nuclei studied with high intensity stable beams and radioactive re-accelerated beams, using the highly selective and large acceptance VAMOS spectrometer coupled with the efficient EXOGAM gamma-array and/or charged particle arrays MUST2 and TIARA will be exemplified.

Primary author

Maurycy Rejmund (GANIL, Caen Cedex, France)

Presentation materials