Francesco Costa
When the Dark Matter (DM) mass is higher than the temperature of the thermal bath, DM can produced via the freeze-in mechanism with coupling as high as $O(1)$. This leads to an observationally attractive scenario compared to the standard freeze-in couplings that are $O(10^{-10})$. In fact, it can be probed by direct detection experiments and at LHC.
We display this mechanism in the scalar DM case. We then present a UV-completed framework where the maximal SM temperature coincides with or is approximately the reheating temperature. We exemplify this in the case of the inflation primarily decaying into feebly interacting right-handed neutrinos.
Primary authors
Catarina Cosme
(U. Coimbra)
Francesco Costa
Laura Covi
(Institute for theoretical physics)
Oleg Lebedev
(University of Helsinki)