Download the logo (.pdf, .svg or .png) at this link.
The Invisibles Workshop 2024 will take place in Bologna, Italy from July 1st to July 5th, 2024. It follows the Invisibles24 School. The event will be located in the city center of Bologna, inside the monumental complex of San Giovanni in Monte, in the room dedicated to Giorgio Prodi (ground floor).
The Invisibles24 Workshop aims at a broad audience working in the areas of neutrino, dark matter, astroparticle physics, cosmology. It is jointly organized by the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie ITN network HIDDeN and HE Staff Exchange ASYMMETRY, and it continues the series of “Invisibles” events started in 2012 (Horizon 2020 Marie Curie ITN network Invisibles, Horizon 2020 Marie Curie ITN network Elusives and the Horizon 2020 RISE network InvisiblesPlus).

News as of Monday May 13: We have reached maximum capacity for the lecture room. We will provide a streaming of the workshop in another room of the same complex, for late registrants/late comers. All other activities (coffee breaks etc.) will be joint.
Confirmed invited speakers and topics
Carlos Arguelles (BSM with sky neutrinos)
Martin Bauer (Relic neutrino background)
Simone Blasi (News on domain walls)
Nassim Bozorgnia (Large magellanic cloud and dark matter direct searches)
Mark Chen (Overview of neutrino experiments: what is new after Neutrino2024?)
Marco Cirelli (Dark matter indirect detection)
Enrique Fernandez-Martinez (BSM with lab neutrinos)
Katherine Freese (Has JWST Discovered Dark Stars?)
Belen Gavela (New tests of ALP-fermion interactions)
Edward Hardy (Axion cosmology)
Anson Hook (Reflections on the matter/dark matter coincidence)
Dan Hooper (The road ahead: astroparticle physics)
Bradley Kavanagh (Black holes inspirals: lessons for dark matter)
Belina von Krosigk (Direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter: experimental status)
Giacomo Landini (Dark matter from strongly coupled sectors)
Jeff Lazar (Recent results from the IceCube neutrino observatory/from KM3NeT)
Laura Lopez-Honorez (Cosmological probes of dark matter's energy injections)
Fabio Maltoni (Particle physics and the quantum)
Jorge Martin Camalich (BSM&flavour: life after the anomalies?)
Oleksii Matsedonskii (News on cosmological selections of the weak scale)
Clara Murgui (Atomic sensors for BSM)
Stephen Parke (The Race to the Neutrino Mass Ordering)
Serguey Petcov (Status and prospects of neutrino physics)
Alberto Ramos (The strong CP problem in the quantum rotor)
Marco Regis (Radio signals from axions)
Nuria Rius (News on leptogenesis)
Jordi Salvado (BSM with cosmological neutrinos)
Ninetta Saviano (Primordial black holes and leptogenesis)
Marco Selvi (Recent results in dark matter direct detection)
Javi Serra (BSM at finite density)
Geraldine Servant (News on electroweak baryogenesis)
Carlos Tamarit (Is the strong CP problem real?)
Arsenii Titov (Strong CP and modular invariance)
Sebastian Trojanowski (Long-lived particles at accelerators)
Jessica Turner (Gravitational waves from GUT and HEP)
Miguel Vanvlasselaer (Interaction between the plasma and the bubble during FOPTs)
Luca Visinelli (H0 and cosmological tensions: overview of theory solutions)
Edoardo Vitagliano (Astrophysical transients and feebly-interacting particles)
Susanne Westhoff (Axion-like particles at colliders)
Sam Witte (Axions clouds around pulsars)
Registration fee: 250€ (early fee) or 320€ (late fee) for students; 340 € (early fee) or 390 € (late fee) for faculties and post-docs. The fee includes all morning and afternoon coffee breaks, the welcome reception on Monday evening, the social dinner on Thursday, the lunch during the poster session and (TBC) an additional social event. The fee for accompanying adults is 80€ and includes the social dinner event.
Deadlines for fee payment: May 13th, 2024 (early) and 24th May, 2024 (late).
Registration deadline: May 24th, 2024. Places are limited.
Cancellation policy: 50% refund of the fee for cancellations before June 15th, 2024. To cancel please contact the organisers by email.
Call for abstracts: Junior participants to the Invisibles Workshop 2024 have the opportunity to apply for a poster and a short plenary talk presentation. Posters will be displayed for the full duration of the workshop, and dedicated poster sessions will be organised. The deadline for abstract submission is April 28th, 2024.
Childcare Service: The Invisibles24 Workshop provides a childcare service for a limited number of accompanying children between 3 and 7 years old. Request for this service can be asked during the registration. Please, contact the organisers if the accompanying child(ren) is (are) younger than 3 or older than 7, but you still require a childcare option, or for any other need related to your accompanying child(ren).
Local Organising Committee
Silvia Pascoli (chair)
Filippo Sala (co-chair)
Ilaria Brivio
Alessandro Granelli
Jaime Hoefken Zink
Michele Lucente
Scientific Organising Committee
Gabriela Barenboim
Vedran Brdar
Ilaria Brivio
Fiorenza Donato
Yasaman Farzan
Maria Gonzalez-Garcia
Alessandro Granelli
Pilar Hernandez
Jaime Hoefken Zink
Joerg Jaeckel
Michele Lucente
Olga Mena
Silvia Pascoli (chair)
Stefano Rigolin
Filippo Sala (chair of scientific programme)
Ryosuke Sato
Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
Management Team
Rebeca Bello Veiras
Scientific and local secretaries
Luca Brunelli
Andrea G. De Marchi
Carlos Garcia Sanchez
Pietro Ghedini
Diego Jimenez Sanz
Beatrice Magni
Simone Meoni
Elina Merkel
Alessia Musumeci
Invisibles24 logo realisation: V. Conti and A. Granelli. The letter V of the word INVISIBLES, also meant to recall the greek letter used to indicate neutrinos, is represented by a stylisation of the Garisenda and Asinelli towers, symbols of the city of Bologna. The grey semicircles on the back intersect in the middle to form a pointed arch, which is meant to recall the Porticoes of Bologna, recognised by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site ( You can find the .pdf, .svg and high-resolution .png files of the logo at this link. Please, consider using one of these formats for your poster and/or presentation.
HIDDeN is a European ITN project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019//860881-HIDDeN) focused on revealing the (a)symmetries we have yet to discover, hence hidden (a)symmetries, and the particles on which they act, in particular the invisible sector, made of neutrinos, dark matter and other elusive particles. It has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860881-HIDDeN”.
ASYMMETRY is a European Staff exchange program (HE-MSCA-SE-2022//101086085) investigating the essential asymmetries of Nature and CP violation in particle physics and cosmology. It has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges (SE) grant agreement No 101086085-ASYMMETRY”.