Tuesday 02/07, 6pm-7.30pm - Guided Tour
Guided tour “The seven secrets of Bologna” in the city center of Bologna. Duration one hour and a half, departure from the workshop location, personal stuff can be left on the conference site and picked up after the tour/the day after, if needed
Thursday 04/07, from 7.30pm - Aperitivo and social dinner
Dinner will start with an aperitivo at 19:30, it will be at Villa Benni (https://villabenni.it/), Via Saragozza, 210, 40135 Bologna BO (https://maps.app.goo.gl/Rp4wAfMcSPxwYaVY7). The venue is reachable from the conference site with a ~ 30’ walk (that goes through the porticos that are Unesco world heritage), ~ 10 minutes bike (lots of ridemovi bikes from the bikesharing available in the city center), ~ 20 minutes bus ride (e.g. number 20 or 38, google map does a good job). Aperitivo and desserts/drinks will be accompanied by jazz, folk and world music by VallesantaCorde http://vallesantacorde.de/