Accelerating resonance searches via signature-oriented pre-training

31 Jul 2024, 14:40
Palazzo Ducale (Genova, Italy)

Palazzo Ducale

Genova, Italy

Talk Novel Techniques Novel Techniques


Congqiao Li (Peking University)


The search for heavy resonances beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is a key objective at the LHC. While the recent use of advanced deep neural networks for boosted-jet tagging significantly enhances the sensitivity of dedicated searches, it is limited to specific final states, leaving vast potential BSM phase space underexplored. In this talk, we introduce a novel experimental method, Signature-Oriented Pre-training for Heavy-resonance ObservatioN (Sophon), which leverages deep learning to cover an extensive number of boosted final states. Pre-trained on the comprehensive JetClass-II dataset, the Sophon model learns intricate jet signatures, ensuring the optimal constructions of various jet tagging discriminates and enabling high-performance transfer learning capabilities. We show that the method can not only push widespread model-specific searches to their sensitivity frontier, but also greatly improve model-agnostic approaches, accelerating LHC resonance searches in a broad sense.
This talk is based on arXiv:2405.12972.

Primary authors

Antonios Agapitos (Peking University) Congqiao Li (Peking University) Cristina Suarez (FNAL) Dawei Fu Gregor Kasieczka (Universität Hamburg) Huilin Qu (CERN) Javier Duarte (UC San Diego) Jovin Drews (Universität Hamburg) Leyun Gao (Peking University) Louis Moureaux (IIHE-ULB) Qiang Li (Peking University (CN)) Raghav Kansal (UC San Diego)

Presentation materials