26 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Qualification of pre-production 3D sensors for the new ATLAS ITk detector with test beams

28 May 2024, 15:31
3h 49m
Sala Elena

Sala Elena

Poster T3 - Solid State Detectors Solid State Detectors - Poster session


Thibaud Carcone (LPNHE CNRS Paris)


The inner detector of the ATLAS experiment will be completely replaced with a new all-silicon tracking detector (ITk) during the Long Shutdown 3 (2026-28) to cope with the challenging conditions that will be posed by the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) after 2029.
The pixel detector will be located in the inmost part of ITk detector. As a fluence up to 2$\cdot$10$^{16}$ n$_{eq}$/cm$^2$ is expected in its innermost layer, 3D sensor technology was chosen to instrument the latter due to its radiation hardness. Sensors with 50x50 μm$^2$ and 25x100 μm$^2$ pixel cell size will be used in the endcaps and barrel regions, respectively, whose production is divided among two vendors, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) and Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning (SINTEF).
During 2022 and 2023 pre-production 3D sensors of both vendors and both pixel sizes were manufactured and tested with pion beam at CERN SPS. A summary of the results will be given.

Collaboration ATLAS
Role of Submitter The presenter will be selected later by the Collaboration

Primary author

Thibaud Carcone (LPNHE CNRS Paris)

Presentation materials