The Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astronomy (POEMMA) on a super-pressure balloon with radio (PBR) is a planned instrument designed as a successor mission of EUSO-SPB2 and a prototype for a space-based POEMMA mission. The three primary science objectives are to make the first observations of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) from above using fluorescence light measurements, to measure high-altitude horizontal air-showers (HAHAs), and to search for Earth-skimming astrophysical neutrinos with PeV energies. To accomplish these goals, PBR will fly three main instruments. The Fluorescence Camera (FC) will measure the fluorescence light emission of UHECR induced air-showers of
The FC and CC will be placed on a combined focal surface in a 1.1m diameter aperture Schmidt optics telescope comprised of a 1.9m