17–21 Jun 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

POEMMA-Balloon with Radio: Mission Overview

17 Jun 2024, 17:07


Complesso "Principe di Napoli" via Cappuccini n. 7, 91100 Trapani (TP)
Poster Astrophysical Neutrino Flash Talks-1


Julia Burton (Colorado School of Mines)


The Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astronomy (POEMMA) on a super-pressure balloon with radio (PBR) is a planned instrument designed as a successor mission of EUSO-SPB2 and a prototype for a space-based POEMMA mission. The three primary science objectives are to make the first observations of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) from above using fluorescence light measurements, to measure high-altitude horizontal air-showers (HAHAs), and to search for Earth-skimming astrophysical neutrinos with PeV energies. To accomplish these goals, PBR will fly three main instruments. The Fluorescence Camera (FC) will measure the fluorescence light emission of UHECR induced air-showers of EeV range energies from above. The Cherenkov Camera (CC) will observe Cherenkov light produced by above-the-limb cosmic rays with energies of 0.5 PeV and search for Earth-skimming neutrino signatures below the limb. Finally, PBR will fly a Radio Instrument (RI) consisting of two low-frequency sinuous radio antennas to measure radio signatures of HAHAs and Earth-skimming neutrino candidates both in individual trigger mode as well as utilizing the external triggers from the FC and CC.

The FC and CC will be placed on a combined focal surface in a 1.1m diameter aperture Schmidt optics telescope comprised of a 1.9m×2m primary mirror with a radius of curvature of 1.66m. This telescope and the RI will be able to rotate in elevation angle from nadir to 12 above horizontal and 360 in azimuth to enable follow-up measurements of transient astrophysical sources of interest using the Target of Opportunity methodology. The predicted sensitivity is expected to achieve instantaneous single source sensitivities similar to or exceeding current ground-based experiments at energies above 10 PeV. PBR will also fly an infrared camera to monitor cloud coverage and a gamma/x-ray particle detector to search for signals from cosmic ray air-showers or other gamma-ray sources. The combination of these instruments makes PBR a unique experiment, which is able to probe the physics of extensive airshowers in ways currently inaccessible to ground-based detectors.

Primary author

Julia Burton (Colorado School of Mines)

Presentation materials