Crystal Eye: a wide sight instrument for the study of astrophysical MeV photons

18 Jun 2024, 17:42


Complesso "Principe di Napoli" via Cappuccini n. 7, 91100 Trapani (TP)
Poster Innovative detectors and data handling techniques Flash Talks-2


Ritabrata Sarkar (GSSI)


Crystal Eye is a new concept of space-based all sky monitor for the observation of 30keV-30MeV photons exploiting a new detection technique,
which foresees enhanced localization capability with respect to current instruments.
This is now possible thanks to the use of new materials and sensors. The primary scientific goal is the detection of the electromagnetic signal of extreme phenomena in the Universe.
In order to enhance their study with many messengers, the satellite will provide an alert to both space and ground based experiments.
A full scale model of the Crystal Eye detector is now under design and construction.
Furthermore, a smaller prototype is being set up to fly aboard the Space Rider (ESA) on a LEO orbit for two months in 2025-2026.
We present here the instrument setup and its performances.

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