11–13 Dec 2023
Botanical Garden of Sapienza University
Europe/Rome timezone

Anatomy of single-field inflationary models for primordial black holes

11 Dec 2023, 15:00
Botanical Garden of Sapienza University

Botanical Garden of Sapienza University

Largo Cristina di Svezia, 23 A - 24, 00165 Roma (RM)


Hardi Veermäe (NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia)


In this presentation, we will outline the essential features and the phenomenology of single-field inflationary scenarios that can produce enhanced curvature power spectra associated with the production of primordial black holes. We will present a simple analytic set-up capable of capturing the spectral shapes in typical models presented in the literature. We will also discuss models capable of generating sizeable spectral oscillations and the presence or absence of "dips" - features where the power spectrum nearly vanishes.

Primary author

Hardi Veermäe (NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia)


Dr Alexandros Karam (NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia) Dr Antonio Racioppi Eemeli Tomberg (Lancaster University) Dr Niko Koivunen (NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia) Ville Antero Vaskonen (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials