Contributed Talks: PBHs and Inflation
- Alfredo Leonardo Urbano (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Contributed Talks
- Paolo Pani (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Contributed Talks: PBH constraints
- Christian Byrnes (University of Sussex)
Contributed Talks: PBH miscellanea & conclusions
- Ilia Musco (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Rome)
In this presentation, we will outline the essential features and the phenomenology of single-field inflationary scenarios that can produce enhanced curvature power spectra associated with the production of primordial black holes. We will present a simple analytic set-up capable of capturing the spectral shapes in typical models presented in the literature. We will also discuss models capable...
Single-field models of inflation that feature a non-attractor phase might lead to enhanced scalar fluctuation on scales much smaller than those seeding the large-scale structure formation. In this scenario, it is possible that the spike of power at high wavenumber might spoil the successful predictions of a nearly Gaussian, scale-invariant power on large scales, e.g. in the form of loop...
To produce an appreciable quantity of primordial black holes (PBHs), there needs to be a significant enhancement of the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum at short-scales. Large enhancements on short-scales, however, can induce a large contribution to the one-loop correction to the power spectrum on CMB scales. The size of this correction has been hotly debated since Kristiano and...
The recent data releases by multiple pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments show evidence for Hellings-Downs angular correlations indicating that the observed stochastic common spectrum can be interpreted as a stochastic gravitational wave background. We study whether the signal may originate from gravitational waves induced by high-amplitude primordial curvature perturbations. Such large...
Detecting a subsolar-mass black hole is one of the two possible ways to prove the existence of PBHs. I will review the recent searches for subsolar-mass black holes and the analysis of the possible candidates, as well as the merger rate predictions for subsolar PBH binaries with a focus on extended PBH mass distributions.
In this talk I will present forecasts on the capability of the Einstein Telescope to identify and measure the abundance of a subdominant population of distant PBHs, distinguishing it from Astrophysical Black Holes (ABH), using the difference in the redshift evolution of the merger rate of the two populations as our discriminant. After presenting our model for the merger rates and I will show...
Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) may exist, contributing to the Dark Matter abundance. In this talk, we revisit the cosmological bound on PBHs -- driven by the accurate measurements of the anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) -- putting under the spotlight the role of the modeling of accretion physics as well as other sources of uncertainty related to PBH properties and the...
Primordial black holes (PBHs) may have formed in the early Universe, and yet constitute only a sub-dominant component of the dark matter. In that case, the rest of the dark matter is expected to build up mini-halos with steep density profiles (“spikes”) around the PBHs. If this second dark matter component is in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), their annihilation rate...
Primordial black holes may form in the early universe from the collapse of rare, enhanced curvature perturbations. In the presence of such large perturbations, quantum diffusion cannot be neglected. Remarkably, it can be incorporated through the stochastic-$\delta N$ formalism, which can be used to reconstruct the statistics of the curvature perturbation when non negligible quantum diffusion...
Strong perturbations from cosmic inflation produce primordial black holes (PBHs). The method of stochastic inflation lets us compute the perturbations beyond linear order. I discuss recent progress in numerical stochastic computations, focusing on the compaction function, a quantity controlling the PBH collapse. The numerical stochastic method allows us, for the first time, to produce full...
We will present our investigation into the abundance and properties of black holes through photometric gravitational microlensing surveys of the Milky Way. We have used the PopSyCLE simulation suite to estimate the abundance and characteristics of black holes in existing and future surveys, both for stellar end-product and primordial formation mechanisms. Based on these simulations we have...